Chapter 3: Sexy and Covered in Blood

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  Silence covers the group as I notice a few open-mouthed stares. I only smile bigger and start walking toward the parking lot which happens to be about a quarter mile away. I also began emptying my pockets, pulling out key after key. It doesn't hurt to be prepared, and it helps that I have been planning this escape for years down to every little detail.

I can hear the blaze of fire in the building increase as the fire consumes more and more. I wonder how loud the bang will be when it reaches all of those fancy chemicals in the labs. Stepping up to the closest car, I drop all of the keys I managed to grab from the employee locker room onto the hood. Low murmurs come from the group of various supernatural creatures as they plan out destinations and carpools. It's such a shift from all of the escaping and killing that it almost feels like a funny dream.

A pretty muscular dude with a chest filled with scars separates from the group, and raises his voice to say, "Drive until you can make other arrangements and then ditch the vehicles. We don't want anyone finding out were we are going." Low murmurs of agreement and head nods show that the message was received.

I stand there as person after person comes up to select a key and start looking for the matching car. A strikingly familiar man walks up, his shirt splattered with blood. Looking into his familiar golden eyes I realize it's Mr. wolf-man. I give him another smile, and he bares his teeth right back.

"Thank you for the prison break. If you ever need anything, get a hold of a wolf pack and ask for Luther Knight."

I nod my head in thanks.

"Now," he asks, "Which one do you think is the key to a larger suburban? I'm taking all of the shifter pups with me to drop off."

Scanning the keys, one stands out. A key chain with 'Number 1 Mom' and a bottle opener right next to it. With a smile, I hand it over, and he bares is teeth in another approximation of a smile.

With that, he stalks off, a trail of small scared children stumbling after him. It's all rather reminiscent of a mother hen and her chicks, making me laugh at the sight. Especially when a huge explosion sounds from the building nearby, causing all the children to cling to the big wolf-man's legs.

A few more people dart forward to grab keys and just a quickly they are gone. There is a small group of stragglers that seem to look around indecisively before melting into the surrounding forest. I wonder if I should follow them. It's not like I have anywhere to go. I could live there and find a meal by walking to a town every week or so. Not very surprisingly, the idea does not sound that appealing. I want more than living like an animal in the forest, but it's not like I have anywhere else to go.

I don't know why I stand next to the leftover keys waiting. Maybe, I want someone to offer for me to come with them. No one does.

I stand watching the flames on the building grow as more and more of the structure collapses. I then feel something watching me. The hairs on the back of my neck are rising again, and I have a very good idea of who I will see when I turn around.

Oh, look it's the crazy guy form the end of the hall. What a surprise. He is what some would call a silver fox which I know is an accurate descriptor from overhearing one of the female scientists gossip about one of the older scientists who mostly worked on the computers. His name was Dave.

This guy had Dave's silvery locks, but his jaw was much more prominent and his overall physic much more musculature than dear old Dave. He was also drenched in blood form the corners of his mouth, down his chest, and soaking into the hem of his lab-issued pants. He looks like a very attractive demon made all the more vicious by a mouth filled with pointed teeth.

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