Is it really love?

Start from the beginning

"Hey look! There's Ethan and Grayson! And some of their friends." As Victoria turns her head to look over at them.

I look that way and I see them in some kind of uniform holding lacrosse sticks, sweaty, and hot. I can actually finally tell them apart, which makes me feel pretty good about myself.

Damn. They look fine. Again, I think I caught Ethan staring at me, and when I looked at him he turned away.

"Hey guys. What's up?" Grayson asked.

"Nothing really, you?" Victoria asked.

"Well we just got back from lacrosse practice. Could we hangout with you guys?" Grayson asked.

"Yeah sure!" Victoria responded.

"Ok we will just go back home to change and shower then we'll be right back." Ethan told us as he smiled straight at me. I just smiled right back, then they all left to go to their house.

Once they were far enough so they couldn't hear us Victoria just blurted out, "Did you see the way Ethan smiled at you? He definitely likes you. I ship you guys so much!!!"

I laugh and respond, " I barely even know him, and I doubt he even likes me."


Once Ethan and Grayson are finished changing and showering, Ethan walks right towards me.

"Hey, Sarah right?" He asked.

"Yep. And your Ethan?" I asked, even though I already knew it was him.

"Yeah. So do you know what your schedule for school is?" He asked.

"I don't know if it got sent yet, but I'll check the mailbox real quick." I say back.

I got up and opened my mailbox, and there was a letter from my school inside.

"Yeah its here!" I say as I bring it over.

I sit on the grass and he sits down right next to me. I can't help but notice he smells so good.

He leans over to look at it and his arm touches mine. He gives me a surprised look.

"Wow, your taking all the hardest classes! We have 1st, 5th and 7th period together, I think Grayson has like 2 or 3 periods with you too." He tells me.

"Oh that's cool, are the teachers good?" I ask.

"Kind of. Actually no. They all pretty much suck. Except for Mr. Miller, he's pretty chill." He tells me, still smiling.

"I'm just so nervous. This is so much more different than New York." I tell him.

"You will be fine. I'll help you through and so will Victoria and her friends." He calmly says.

"Thanks!" I saw while blushing at the same time. Then all of a sudden it starts to rain and it gets a little cool outside. I grab my arms, trying to keep in my warmth.

Ethan takes off his sweatshirt and hands it over to me, "Here, you can take it so you don't get too cold." He tells me.

I put it on and its huge. It feels so warm and comfortable. It smells really good too.

"Thank you," I say as he just stares at me and smiles.

Soon I realize everyone's inside and we are the only ones out, getting wet. I decide to say something to break the awkwardness.

"I have to get going, get ready for school and all of that. I can hangout tomorrow if that's cool." I say to him.

"Yeah of course, can I get your number? So we can talk more and stuff," he asks.

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