What is it that makes us afraid

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What is that we are truly afraid of? Is it ourselves, society, the monsters under our bed, or your mother after you missed her 26 miss calls because you were busy jerking off.

Sorry, I am getting sidetracked. The point being is, lots of humanity is afraid of something whether it's for the past, present, or future.

But I wonder what I am truly afraid of.

Is it the fanciful fantasy that I call my school life being destroyed?

Is it the thought of losing what I've obtained from my temporary freedom?

Is it becoming a semblance to what I have vowed not to be?

Is it my past being exposed to the general populace?

Is it losing all sense of the word humane?

The answer to these questions would be yes if I were any closer to being humane, however, for a being created for apathy the answers may never come to fruition.

But as of this moment, the answers are quite evident.

I am truly afraid of nothing.

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