Why get 50s

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"Hey Kiyopon, whatca doing?"

"Umm, sitting in class Haruka. Why?"

"Oh, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out today with us? Airi, and the other two said they would."

"Sure, but what are we going to do?"

"You know with us it's never about plans unless someone really wants to do something, so we'll just go to the mall and do whatever there."

"Hmm, alright. I actually remembered something that I wanted to tell you guys after we're done hanging out."

"Tell me right now, please. tell me, tell me, tell meee."

"Not until we are done hanging out Haruka, I've gotten in trouble before by telling you something earlier than I should've."

Haruka pouted and said, "Ok, but it better be worth the wait Kiyopon."

"It'll definitely leave you guys shocked."

"You better," she said ominously, and started walking away while saying.

"Well I'll see you after class then, bye Kiyopon."

"Bye Haruka."


Kiyo's POV

Looking at Haruka's retreating figure, I hope for the best case scenario when I tell the group about my plan, but knowing Keisei the opposite will probably happen when he hears I'm going for a hundred on all the tests coming up. He'll either A. say I should be realistic with my goals, or B. say that I've been hiding my intelligence this whole time and that I supposedly betrayed his trust. Thinking this over it sounds quite troublesome, but what other people think about me doesn't matter to my goals regardless of who they are.

I came here with the intention to live a sedentary life and coast along in class D until the end of my threes years here, however, I was too optimistic in my initial stance. My peaceful life was in shambles the moment I stepped foot into this school, existences such as: Horikita, Chabashira sensei, Tsukishiro, and the WR enforcer keep straying me further from my desired quiet life.

So, why not burn the last few bridges that remain and have some fun while ensuing chaos among the second years. It will start by me getting a one hundred on every test in the upcoming special exam, this will create the narrative of me being the initially unobtrusive student who just so happens to be a genius?

The ground work to this plan was laid out courtesy of my bet with Horikita, but I feel that I must prove myself sooner rather than later to take rein over the class and become it's leader. Though this is only a pretense to what is truly my end goal. That is to create sufficient covers that can be used as extra lifelines ensuring my survival until the end of the third year.

I had far too long settled for a passive stance when others kept attacking me head on, so I will now flip the dynamic and go on the offensive myself.


Another draft that I don't know what to do with, so I just thought to upload it and think about it later.

CoTE: Random One-shots/Shorts Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora