AmnesiaKouji I

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I expected to wake up to the instructors coming into my bunk yelling, but instead I was met with the sound of a melodious melody in what seems to be an apartment.

The last thing I remember was going to sleep after training. It cannot be a ploy of that man as he wouldn't let his masterpiece reside in an apartment if it were to ever be let out, but the question still stands. How did I end up here?

Interrupting my monologue, I heard a text on what seems to be my mobile device from an individual by the name of Kei.

Kei - [Kiyotaka, I'm about to come to your dorm get ready~]

As soon as I read the text a knock on the door came and a female called out to me by my given name, "Kiyo~takaaa, let's walk around campus for a bit before we go to school."

As I made my way to answer the door, I was trying to rack my memory for who this Kei could be, but I could not find anything in there that would lead to me having female interactions as I was the last of my generation. Which leaves me with quite the predicament, it seems I've suffered from Amnesia.

Checking myself in the mirror, I could not see any injuries to my head, and attributing it to trauma sounds absurd. My emotions were lost long ago.

Before my guest could get impatient, I made my way to the door and opened it to reveal a blonde female.

"Hello, come in," I said. To which the greeting received a confused and slightly concerned look.

My greeting seems to have confused her, but the concern is quite odd. My personality regardless of time could not have yielded a girlfriend, I am but a hollow soul.

Recovering from her brief confusion Kei said, "Ummm Kiyotaka, why do you sound so formal plus that look in your eyes is making me anxious," she said with an increasingly saddening look.

Saying that I don't know or remember who she is would worry her more, and dealing with this situation seems to get more troublesome with each minute. Wait, did I say worry her? Why would my thoughts go to caring about her feelings, but looking at her brings some sense of relief as alien as that may be.

"Before you get more upset, come inside so I can explain."

She weakly nodded and muttered an, "..ok."

Making our way inside, Kei sat on the bed, and I brought a chair and sat in front of her.

We both stared at each other as the tension in the room increased with each passing second.

I decided to break the awkwardness with a blunt, "I don't remember who you are or how I got here, but looking at you is giving me a sense of relief which I can't say when I felt last."

My response seemed to shock her again, and unlike the previous time her tears started streaming down her face.

Which again brought forth these flickers of emotions that nagged at me to comfort her.

Did my pre-amnesia self deal with this? These emotions in my current state are a nuisance, however, I will listen to them this one time.

I got up from my seat and sat on the bed next to Kei bringing her into a hug while wiping away her tears.

I apologized to her even if it is not sincere, it seemed correct in this situation, "I'm sorry for forgetting you, but it seems I've suffered from amnesia. I'm not sure how it happened, and if it is brief or permanent," I tried to sound as sincere as my monotone would allow me to.

That seemed to stop the streams of tears to muffled sobs. As the sobs completely subsided, Kei brought her head away from my chest to look at me into my eyes. It was as if she were searching me for something.


A/N: Emotional Koji? O Mai God, I've committed a grave sin, but that's the beauty of fan fictions. You can write whatever you feel like cause it's fiction and fanmade.

It may say I in the title, but I'm not sure how to continue this. If someone wants to suggest something by all means let me know, or if someone wants to take the idea and continue it let me know. But for now this is going to be as is.

CoTE: Random One-shots/Shorts Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora