I came back to her to see... him? I

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It had been 10 years since I had broken the hearts of many of my female friends and girlfriend during my time at ANHS. Just before graduation ended, a lot of the girls that I knew mustered up the courage to ask me out saying that they loved me and such, however, I had to reject all of them since I had a lovely girlfriend at the time. Though, after all the confessions and graduation I had to end that relationship too.

But it was necessary, I was to return to the Whiteroom probably never to be seen dead or alive until I either led Japan and or succeeded my father's ambition. I would have done both, but my father's ambitions should not have seen another day in my eyes.

Therefore, after I had taken reign over his life's work, I had made it my goal to cripple it just like the disease which had ailed my father's already deteriorating health. Soon, both had come to a swift end allowing me the opportunity to bury two pieces of my past for good.

After completing the goal of bringing the Whiteroom to its demise, I set out to complete another goal. That was to get my ex-girlfriend Kei to see things from my perspective even if it meant we wouldn't get back together, but it would allow her the complete closure she deserved to move on from me if she hadn't. If she had moved on, "that would be great," is what I wanted to tell myself, but a piece of me wished to have her back in my life. Even if I didn't understand emotions back then; her just being in my life allowed me to taste what normality felt like despite our terribly rocky start.

However, tracking Kei down was more difficult than what I expected even with my resources. I had to go through the trouble of asking Arisu who went through the grapevine to get me Kei's address. Eventually, she had texted me the address and a foreboding message. Ignoring the message and solely focusing on the address, looking it up it surprisingly wasn't as far as I thought it would be. It was about an hour from where I currently lived in the city during work days.

Taking the day off, I decided to show up at her house unannounced which was probably a terrible idea considering the condition I left her in a decade ago. She seemed surprisingly understanding back then, but my gut told me she probably was holding in the urge to lash out my "selfishness."

Even after knowing that it was wrong of me to enter back into her life after what I did, I just felt it was right of her to know why I did it. However, dwelling on the past and my mistakes isn't going to restore my relationship to what it once was. Instead, I should just focus on my initial goal of telling her my point of view even if it meant little.

Leaving the building, I went to the nearest bakery and picked up one of Kei's favorite sweets to bring along, and a warm coffee for myself from a nearby chain. I walked back towards my parking garage, and took my car out for the drive instead of having my driver drive me there. It felt right since I wanted everything to be personal today.

Getting out onto the road, I watched as the scenery zoomed by: from the Sakura trees, to the city scapes, children laughing and playing free from worries, and all that Tokyo had to offer. But, one thing came to mind when I saw those kids playing without a care in the world. It reminded me that I too have recently gotten accustomed to a life of not worrying about anything tying me down anymore. It has allowed me to enjoy the small things in life: from driving a car, to buying a cup of coffee in the morning, and many other things people wouldn't think twice about. However, to me it was a chance to experience everyday as a chance to try something out for the first time without the Whiteroom looming over me.

As I kept driving with the gps constantly annoying me with directions, my eyes landed on the display and I realized that I had about five minutes remaining until I reached my destination. After five minutes, the sight of Kei's neighborhood came into my view. It looked like a quiet, suburban neighborhood with houses tightly packed together, but the ambiance around the neighborhood seemed pleasant. The freshly paved roads, and snow on the roofs added to the pleasant atmosphere.

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