Chadteri.. Fail

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"Welcome back men to the second iteration of the chadterings," said Akito, to which came resounding cheers and applauses.

Akito continued with, "Last gathering we had an interesting question that we thought would be discussed for a while, however, our meeting was cut short because someone decided to be a buzzkill."

"It is my apologies chad-kuns, I will be less terse next time around when it comes to our discussions," Koenji commented.

Ryueen picked up the conversation by asking, "Aight, with that out of the way, do we got any questions that gotta be answered that ain't related to ejaculating."

Some of the chads were shut down by the end of Ryueen's statement, while others decided to be more imaginative with their questions.

Let's look at Kiyotaka's thoughts, Is it possible to stuff a human like you do a teddy bear?

I don't want to imagine how he came up with that question, but let's hope he doesn't ask that for now.

What about the Professor, If you were isekai'd into an anime, would the Earth be 2D or 3D in your eyes? If it was 2D, wouldn't that mean the Earth is flat?

Before the Professor or Kiyotaka could utter their questions, Ken interjected and said, "Alright, I'll ask today's question. Where are the wome.."

As soon at the last word left his mouth. a sound resembling a moshpit said this was a gathering of Chads, and only chads, no chadettes would be allowed for now.

While shouts continued from all directions, the chaos was furthered with others dog piling Ken for his idiocy and Beta-male behavior.

The others tried to pry apart everyone to get this meeting underway, but were instead pulled in themselves further adding to the mountain of bodies.

With this failed meeting, we'll meet you on the next episode of Chadtering Revelations when this mess has calmed down.

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