AnmesiaKouji III

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Karuizawa's light snores were cute for the first thirty minutes, but my thighs are now suffering from letting her head rest on them for what seemed like two hours. I could gently put her head onto the pillow, but she seems like a light sleeper; so the possibility of her waking up is high with any shift in position.

*Hah* Looks like I'll just have to bear with it some more. Luckily I felt a bit tired even though I woke up only a few hours ago. So, I guess I'll take a nap as well to recharge myself from what unfolded for our visit to the mall later. While wondering what we were going to do at the mall, I titled my head against the wall and let my consciousness drift away.

I woke up not too long after my nap, if I could call it that. Which is slightly irritating, but nothing new. The cause of me stirring awake was Karuizawa getting off my lap. Looking at her face closely, she seemed to be flushed and breathing a little heavily. I wonder if she's sick?

"Hey sleeping beauty, are you feeling fine? Do you have a fever? Cause you look a bit flushed." I asked in a slight whisper, but why the hell did I add sleeping beauty?

The result of my question was unexpected, her face only flushed further from it. I wonder what could have caused her face to flush further. Did the room's temperature get hotter? No, it didn't. Guess her fever truly is getting worse.

I reached out my hand to touch her forehead, but before I could get to it she responded back to my question.

"I-I'm o.. ok, stupid Kiyotaka. I don't have a fever." Karuizawa responded back, and playfully smacked my head with the pillow.

She mumbled something in the middle which I couldn't hear, but that didn't matter since the flushing receded which was relieving. The more pressing matter now was to get back at her for smacking my head with the pillow.

"Ouch, Karuizawa. That hurt," holding my head in my hands I tried my best to sound hurt, and it worked for a moment is what I thought.

"I'm sorry Kiyotaka, here let me check your head."

Tilting my head towards her, she also leaned forward and looked as if she was going to check my head seriously, however, she gave me a light chop instead.

"Chop," she said in a light whisper.

Looking up, I saw that she had her tongue sticking out and was shaking her side to side.

"Kiyobaka, did you think I would fall for your tricks mister. I've been with you for a while," she said continuing her previous actions.

What a cute sight.

"Tuwahh, K-kiyo you can't j-just say that lightly."

Well it seems my thoughts leaked out, but that's fine. I will deal damage to her with what the books called the art of teasing.

"But you are cute, Karuizawa. Especially your snores, and how you curled up onto my thighs all of that is super cute."

In response she hid herself behind the pillow she used to smack my head, and peeked out her eyes from behind to give me a response.

"Y-you, you'll pay for teasing me. I'll make you pay for everything at the mall."

"Sure sure. Speaking of the mall, do you wanna get ready for it now or in a bit? Also, how do we pay for stuff? Since you have me paying, I'll need to know how to."

"Oh, we use our student IDs to pay here. You see that phone on your nightstand, that's basically your key to everything in this school. Take some time to get used to it again while I freshen up."

She got up from the bed, and when she did I noticed that we were in close proximity for a while. The realization made my brain slightly hazy and was making my head hurt for some reason. Shaking away the haze, I picked up my phone and began tinkering with it. The phone was password locked which I didn't notice before, but I hope the numbers are something that I know. Surprisingly I unlocked it, so I would like to thank you Pre-Amnesia me for staying true to your roots.

After about 10 minutes of scrolling through countless things on my phone, Karuizawa came out looking radiant and fresh.

She truly held my gaze for a bit there, before she told me to stop staring at her.

"Stop staring, you go and freshen up as well before we go out.

I went into my closet and pulled out a pair of white pants, a black belt, and a black short sleeved t-shirt. After choosing my outfit, I went into the restroom and took a quick shower then proceeded to towel myself off. Looking into the mirror, I noticed my hair looked a bit longer than it was in the Whiteroom, but it suited me in my opinion. Drying off the last droplets of water, I put on my clothes, clasped my belt, and applied a bit of the cologne I had in here, before making my way out of the restroom.

As soon as the door opened, Karuizawa looked up and had her eyes glued onto me this time around.

Oddly, I felt a sense a satisfaction from her checking me out, but we had to leave since it was getting late.

"Well, you can stop staring now. Let's go out before it gets too late."

"Huh, oh yeah. Let's go."

We made our way out of the dorm, making sure to lock it behind us before we went into the elevator. In the elevator we opted to stand side by side with her head on my shoulder, and me leaning against the rail with my hand around her waist. The ride down was silent, but the atmosphere was comfortable.

But I wanted to ask what we were going to do at the mall before the elevator went to the ground floor.

"Hey, what are we going to do at the mall?" I asked looking down at her.

"Well, since you've forgotten everything we've done here at school. We can do a lot of things, but the first thing we are going to do is eat and then go get your favorite dessert Ice cream. I thought you should experience the flavor of it again before we do anything else."

"Wow, you've got this planned out. It's also interesting how you knew I wanted to try ice cream."

"Well, before you lost your memories, you did say ice cream was one of the things you always wanted to try when you came here to ANHS."

While we were immersed in our conversation the elevator chimed signifying we reached the ground floor. We walked out hands held together since Karuizawa insistently asked for me to do so, but I didn't mind much even if it was troubling.

On our way to the mall, we talked about various topics ranging from information about the school, our relationship, and random everyday topics.

I could get used to this, the type of life I have experienced in these past few hours puts everything I've experienced to shame. However, that's not to say that I don't appreciate what the Whiteroom has gifted me with.

"Kiyooo, you zoned out."

"Ah, yes I did. What were you saying?"

"I was saying that it's good to be spending time with you."

"I see, I can say the same to you as well. The past few hours have been nice for me."

Even if she is my girlfriend, I cannot carelessly reveal details about my past even if subtly.

"That's good. Oh look we're at the mall," she said with a smile.

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