My eyes shifted to where she was staring and I couldn't do anything to gulp down the moan that escaped me. 

"Fuck me," I whispered to myself as I drooled at the dirty girl walking straight towards me.

Riley was strutting across the bar dressed in a black leather catsuit that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. The tight material clung to every surface of her body, drawing the perfect smooth curve from her waist to her hips. Her long, soft hair hung loosely down over her shoulders and swung like it was blowing in the wind as she walked in slow motion towards me. I wanted to bury my head into her neck to feel her warmth as I breathed her in.

I couldn't speak when she finally stepped up in front of me. I couldn't even move. The only thing even working was my dick which was overly swollen and leaking cum. 

Riley's big, emerald eyes were lined with dark shadow and her full bottom lip was a tinted soft pink. It was the exact same shade they turned every time she took it between her teeth while she came all over my cock. Everything about her screamed predator. The only thing she was missing was a whip in her hand to beat me into submission.

Luckily, she didn't need it.  I was already falling all over myself because of her.

Mia was the first one to break the silence as Riley and I just stood there, drinking each other in.

"Oh, look, it's the little girl from the music store. Ezra, is she stalking you?" Mia put her body between Riley and me. There was a hand suddenly running over me near my jeans. It didn't feel right. The hand didn't look or feel like Riley's.

I wanted Riley to touch me. Why was she not touching me?

The two girls' eyes were locked in a deadly, silent battle. Neither one of them made any move to back down. I needed to figure out a way to get them to at least pretend like they got along. Under normal circumstances, I would have just kicked Mia to the curb, but I still required her assistance to make my plan work. She had to stick around to take care of Mark so Riley could take care of me. 

It was time to turn on my charm and make this work.

"Riley, you remember Mia from the music store. She came to watch me play tonight." I explained to the angry blond.

I smiled at my girl when she flashed me a sexy little pout. I wrapped my arm around Mia to show Riley she was just here as a friend and smiled down at her. 

"Are you being serious right now?" Riley growled at me.

I had no idea what her problem was. Didn't she realize the hoops I was jumping through to find a way to be alone with her? I was pretending to be friends with Mia for fuck's sake. She could at least be a little appreciative of the effort I was making.

If Riley kept this shit up, I was going to fuck that attitude right out of her until she couldn't move.

"We're about to go party. Do you want to party with us, baby? You look like you're ready." My eyes raked up and down her body, stopping again at her chest to admire the spot between her breasts a little longer.

"Not going to happen." Riley spat out between clenched teeth. 

She always looked so cute when she was grumpy, like a little sexy kitten ready to pounce at anything that moved.

"Let her go back and play with her stuffed animals. I'll take care of you tonight." Mia replied and patted my chest.

I chuckled at the poor seduction attempt Mia hurled at me. It was never going to happen. There was no way Mia could ever make me feel the way Riley did. She could go to an Ivy League school to get her doctorate in sexual stimulation and she still wouldn't be able to give me the same feeling I had when Riley looked my way. It was a wasted effort. 

But Riley didn't see it that way.

One second Mia was next to me and the next, I found her shape again on the floor. Riley was on top of her with her fist pulled back. She slammed it down right into Mia's nose. When she landed the punch, blood splattered everywhere and gushed down Mia's face. 

There was no slapping or sexy little moans as they rolled across the floor like they portrayed in the movies during girl fights. It was absolute brutality and gore. Riley didn't hold back one bit. She was going in for the kill.

Mark went into action and scooped Riley up off Mia right as she was about to land another savage blow. She kicked and scratched at him, trying to get him to let her go. I felt a whoosh of air behind me and saw both JD and Aiden appear out of thin air to lend a hand.

Everything was happening so fast around me that I couldn't process it in my current state. Everyone just needed to slow down so I could catch up.

"Riley, chill. You have got to get out of here before they call the cops." JD grabbed her face between his hands to get her to look at him. He turned his head when Brynn came rushing up behind him. She resembled a stripper, racing to her pole in awful plastic heels.

"Take her back to the house. We'll meet you there after the show." JD shouted to Brynn.

Brynn nodded and tried to get Riley to follow her, but Riley wasn't going to budge. The insane girl was planning to stick around to wait for the invitation to a jail cell tonight. She had to get out of here. Mia wasn't the type of girl to let things go easily. She would make sure Riley would pay for what she did.

I had to act now before it was too late.

If Riley refused to listen to anyone else, I would force her to listen to me. I stepped in front of her body and covered all of her with my shadow so she would get the message clearly. She couldn't stay here-- It was time for her to go.  

"Go back to the house, Riley." I gave her a low warning. There would be no argument-- we didn't have that kind of time. 

"You don't get to tell me what to do. I'm not leaving." Riley rebelliously held her hands on her hips and raised her head up as far as it would go to stare me down. She was such a pain in the ass when she got like this. I didn't know why she always felt the need to challenge me.

If she wasn't going to move on her own, I was going to do it for her.

"Fuck this." I hissed and closed in around her. 

I grabbed my girl around her middle and swung her up in the air. She fought to stay rigid and tried to squirm out of my hands. I pushed her top half down hard until she was dangling over my shoulder. I began a quick sprint to the side exit to get her out of the bar before she got arrested for assault.

Riley was pounding on my back as hard as she could the whole way. Her tiny fists were tearing me up. No wonder Mia didn't only lasted one second in the fight between them. Riley was so much stronger than she looked. She left a small bruise the last time she hit me, but she was determined to cover my skin with them this time around. I dug my fingers into her ass cheek and squeezed to try to get her to snap out of it. But, instead, she hit me even harder. I pulled my hand back, preparing to leave a nice stinging welt on her ass. 

"What the hell?" JD called behind me before I could land the slap. I stopped myself just in time before I caused another fight inside the bar.

"I am getting her stubborn ass out of here before the cops come. Go talk with the manager to try to convince him not to file a report." I yelled back to him.

JD had to keep a level head to talk us all out of this mess. If anyone could smooth this over with Levi and the rest of the team at Bannon's, it was JD. He had to regain control of the situation inside while I went outside and regained control of his sister.

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