Chapter 28

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We stared at each other for what felt like hours but in reality was only a few moments. There was so much honesty in those moments. I could see the hurt in Henry's eyes and I felt every bit of regret that had kept me up at night for the past year. Henry was the first to snap out of our mutual trance and he dismounted his horse and started walking towards me cautiously. Almost as if he didn't quite believe I was standing there in front of him. I felt frozen like he was a wild animal and one wrong movement would send him running. Seeing him again was a balm on my broken heart.

"What are you doing here? Are you hurt?" He asked as his eyes looked me over to check for any injuries. Even if it was just him being a gentleman, his concern almost brought me to tears.

" injuries." I was having trouble getting a coherent thought out from exhaustion and shock. A barely perceptible shift happened. It felt like he was putting up a wall between us now that he knew I wasn't hurt. He took a step back and his faced turned from concern to a completely neutral expression.

"You didn't answer my other question. What are you doing out here? Are you alone?" He looked around to see if anyone else was there and then his eyes landed back on me and he looked even more confused.

"I came out here to gather more supplies and I got lost. I've been waiting all day for someone to find me but no one has come." My voice faltered a little at the end. Now that I had been found and the adrenaline was wearing off, the precariousness of my situation was truly hiting me. Who knows how long I would have been out here if Henry had not come along?

"And you thought it was a good idea to come out here alone? Into a forest you know nothing about? You aren't in your father's lands anymore, Emily!" I was taken aback by his tone. He was scolding me like I was a child. How dare he!

"I am more than well-aware I am away from home! I've left everyone and everything I love to come here and try to help the people of the Capital! But to do that I need medicine! Which I know you know exactly how I get my medicines! And I had an escort but we got separated somehow! And I've been out here alone all day and of course it's you who finds me! And why are you here anyway? You aren't supposed to arrive for a few days?" It wasn't the most respectful way to speak to a Royal but at that moment, I really didn't care.

His eyes narrowed at me as if he wanted to reprimand me for my tone but he must have had pity for me because after a moment, he sighed and softened his features.

"I rode ahead which I know you know that's what I like to do. I'm sorry I snapped at you. I was taken off-guard by your appearance. I knew you were at Court but I didn't expect to run into you out here. But now that I think about it, it makes complete sense that I would find you here. Here. Take my canteen and have a drink. I think I have some bread and cheese left as well." He pulled out his canteen that was tucked into his belt and handed it to me before turning towards his horse and pulling out his supplies from his knapsack that was attached to the horse's saddle. I down the remaining water as my throat was completely parched. The supplies that I had brought out here with me were with my horse and I had no idea where I left her tied to a tree. What a disaster this day has been!

I greedily took the food from Henry and ate it quickly not caring about appearances. I hadn't eaten anything since the morning and I was starving. When I was finished, I felt a little better. Until I realized that the only way I was getting back to the castle was to ride with Henry.

He mounted his horse and held his hand out to help me get up. I pushed myself up and seated myself behind Henry. I had no choice but to wrap my arms around his mid section. I felt him tense up when I molded my front to his back. I had no choice if I didn't want to fall off. It was overwhelming being this close to him after so long.

We rode in silence as the sun descended and filled the sky with color. Under different circumstances, it would have been a romantic moment. I was hyper aware of every part of me that was touching Henry. All of my senses were being inundated with him. I could tell he was affected by the situation as well. We had such a strong connection the year before and it seems as if it was still there. The awkwardness was interrupted by Henry first.

"My brother wrote me and told me all of the wonderful work you are doing at Court. We are lucky to have you there. I guess your plan to elevate your station in life worked." I could hear a hint of disgust in his words and I felt the shame spread through me. I should be happy that he still believed me to be a manipulator. My ruse to keep my family safe had worked and Henry would never trust me again. I allowed a single tear to fall from my eyes before taking a deep breath to keep the act going.

"I'm here to do a job and if being favored by the King is part of it, than all the better." I hated myself for saying the words. I've never cared about social climbing.

"And you didn't even need me to achieve it. You did it all on your own. Impressive!" He threw back at me. I was so happy I couldn't see his face because I don't think I could bare the look I knew he was giving me.

"I'm sorry for what happened last year. I should have been honest with you from the start. It was wrong of me. Your father requested my presence here and it's not like I could refuse. I'll try to stay out of your way from now on." I couldn't stand the fact that he was so resentful towards me so I was hoping we could maybe move past everything and peacefully coexist.

I felt him take a deep breath and the moments ticked by without a response. Just when I thought he was done talking to me, he finally spoke up.

"I'm engaged to be married. She'll be here in a few days. I rode ahead because I didn't want her to be there the first time I saw you again. I don't even know why. I just felt.....I needed to figure out how to be in the same room as you. Our marriage is part of a political alliance that my father needs to prevent a war. There is too much riding on this. I can't let what happened between us to jeopardize it."

I was surprised that he explained so much to me. I wasn't aware of the importance of his betrothal. I was wrong about his status as a second son. He still could be used for political gains. It made me feel sorry for him. At least I could chose my path in life. Henry was not so lucky.

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