Chapter 25

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For the briefest moment, I let my mask of indifference slip. For a split-second, I just knew my face showed the heartbreak I felt hearing that Henry was engaged. I caught myself quickly and shook it off and returned to a completely neutral expression. But the Prince was smirking at me. He saw it.

"Prince James, please, I beg of you. Keep this conversation between you and I. I know how impertinent it is of me to ask anything of you, but this is a matter of life or death. I will do anything! This must remain a secret! Please!"

I know I sounded desperate but I had no choice. Prince James continued dancing and smiling as if he didn't hold everyone I hold dear in his hands.

"Dear, sweet Emily. I owe you so much for saving my father's life. You could ask anything of me and I would be honored to oblige you. So for that reason, I will keep your secret. I know you wouldn't have made the choices you have made if it wasn't serious. A word of advice though. You need to work on not showing exactly what you are feeling on your face. Preferably before Henry returns."

I continued to let the Prince lead me on the dance floor until the song ended. We separated and I curtsied and thanked him for everything he had done for me this night. I trusted him to keep his word and keep everything he knows about Henry and I a secret.

I danced with a few more men and made polite conversation. Everyone seemed to be stuck on the fact that I was a healer AND female. Not only that, but I was sanctioned by the King. It went against tradition in so many ways. But I was here to do a job and I needed to earn the trust of these people if I wanted to do it effectively.

I noticed the crowd in the hall was starting to thin out. The King and Queen had retired for the evening and a lot of the older members of the court followed suit. The group may have been smaller but by no means was it less rowdy. I had decided to switch to water earlier in the evening to keep my wits about me. At the present moment, I was standing in a corner taking a breather from the endless conversation. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and turned to see Samuel walk up to me and stand next to me. He had a goblet of what I assumed was wine and took a large sip before speaking.

"And why is the guest of honor hiding in the corner at her own party?" He turned and smiled at me to let me know he was only teasing me.

"I needed a moment to catch my breath. I'm not used to talking to so many people. I've never be the center of attention like this." I took a sip of the water I was holding in my hand.

"I find it hard to believe that you don't have suitors falling at your feet." He wasn't smirking anymore but replaced it with a friendlier smile. I chuckled at his compliment and tried to think of how to respond. I wasn't very experienced with such things, but it seemed as if he was flirting with me.

"Well thank you but no, no suitors so far." Except Henry. "There is a lot you don't know about me Samuel. I'm not exactly....befitting....of that sort of thing." I didn't know how to put it without revealing more than I wanted to. I liked that everyone here was unaware of my history. The only thing they saw when they looked at me is a healer. And I wanted to keep it that way.

He waved his hand as if what I said was meaningless. I could tell he was a tad bit intoxicated just by how loose his movements seemed to be. If I was lucky, he wouldn't continue this conversation. He would not be standing here speaking to me if he knew my history. He grabbed my hand and started dragging me back toward the dance floor. The band was in between songs and I saw several couples take their places on the dance floor. When the music started, they were playing a raucous number, Samuel started spinning me around. I was having the best time.

We danced the rest of the night away. It may have been hours or minutes. Who knows? I felt drunk from the crowd, and the music, and mostly Samuel. He had me laughing the whole time. Spinning me and dipping me. The feel of his hand on my lower back reassuring me that I wasn't alone. I couldn't remember the last time I had enjoyed myself so much. Finally, the band stopped playing and I looked around and realized we were one of the last couples left. I should have been dead on my feet but the energy from this night invigorated me.

I tried to take my leave from Samuel but he insisted on escorting me to my room. Which I was grateful for because I had no idea how to get there. He was kind enough to show me tricks on how to navigate the giant castle. He pointed out places I should visit when I had a free moment. I tried to absorb as much as I could of what he was saying but I was too exhausted.

"I'm sure I am overwhelming you even more than you already are. You've had quite the day Emily. How about this? Have dinner with me tomorrow and I will give you a proper tour of the castle. That is, if His Grace, doesn't require your presence at his dining table." Samuel looked at me expectantly and I felt a bubble of excitement in my stomach.

"That sounds lovely Samuel. I would be honored to dine with you. If I am called on by the King, I will send word. Otherwise, I am free." We stopped in front of a door that I recognized as my own but did not recall how we got there. Samuel took my hand and bowed down and placed a kiss on the back of my hand in the same way the king had done earlier. Only this time, it did not make me uncomfortable. It made me feel something I hadn't felt in over a year.

"Thank you Emily. I had an amazing night with an amazing girl. Till tomorrow." And with that he stood up straight and turned to walk back down the hallway in the direction we had just come from. I opened my door and let myself in. My lady's maid had left a fire going for me and had turned down the beautiful coverlet on my giant bed. She was also kind enough to leave a mug of water on my bedside table. She had thought of everything. I hastily undressed myself. I could feel the full weight of my exhaustion starting to bear down on me. Had it really been today when I had first arrived here?
I pulled on my nightgown and collapsed on the fluffy mattress. The last thought I had before I lost consciousness was that maybe everything would be alright here. How naive I was!

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