Chapter 3

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Sometimes I amaze myself with my own stupidity. Of course I would come across a royal prince in the middle of the woods and proceed to threaten him. I knew he wasn't just a commoner. So why did I speak to him the way that I did?

My brain started racing with thoughts of how I could get out of my latest predicament. Hiding was out of the question. My attendance at dinner was expected when we had guests. Maybe he wouldn't recognize me? I doubt I would be that lucky.

Before I could think any further, one of the servants informed Eddie and I that we were expected in the main dining hall in an hour's time. Eddie bid me farewell to get ready but not without suggesting I take a bath before dinner. I guess it couldn't hurt.

I ran quickly to my room to make myself presentable. I somehow managed to clean myself up and still make it down to dinner in time. Seated at the head of the table was my Uncle Thomas with my Aunt Elizabeth to his right. On the left side were my three cousins seated from oldest to youngest. Right next to my uncle was my cousin Gerard. He was heir to my uncle's title and his lands. He was a serious man but he had always had a soft spot for me. He was engaged to be married to the daughter of a nobleman from one of the northern counties.

Next up was John, the middle son. John was training to be a soldier. He and I had never really gotten along. I guess I was a nuisance that along with Eddie, took attention away from him.

And of course Eddie was next. I smiled at my partner in crime as I took the open seat next to my Aunt. It appeared that Prince Henry had yet to join us. We all awkwardly sat in silence while we waited for the guest of honor to arrive.

I made the mistake of looking up at Eddie who was pushing his nose up with his finger so as to appear like a pig. It was a running game between us to see if we could make the other laugh at the most inappropriate of times. I had won the last round at our last formal dinner when I had told John that one of my uncle's advisors was losing his hearing so he spent the rest of the night practically yelling in his face. He didn't think it was too funny when he found out.

Between the awkward silence and Eddie making faces at me, I couldn't help the giggles that bubbled up. In my attempt to hide them, I made a snorting sound. And because it's me, Prince Henry chose that moment to walk in the room.

He immediately stopped in tracks and stared at me. You could see the moment recognition hit him. He gave me a knowing smirk and I quick put my head down out of pure embarrassment. Why did things like this always happen to me?

Thankfully, my uncle stood up to speak before the situation could get anymore uncomfortable.

"Prince Henry, welcome to my home! We are honored to have you as a guest. My chef has prepared a wonderful feast. Please take a seat and let me introduce you to my family. This is my wife , Elizabeth."

My aunt bowed her head to show respect. I wanted to disappear. My uncle then turned to his left to introduce his sons.

"Here are my sons Gerard, John, and Edward. John is training to be a soldier like you. Maybe you two could partake in some sparring while you stay here."

Maybe he would forget to introduce me and I could just get through this dinner as if I were invisible. No such luck. My uncle then turned back to his right and looked directly at me.

"And this is my niece, Emily. But she is like a daughter to me. She has lived with us since she was born."

Prince Henry walked up to the table and took a seat opposite of my uncle. I kept my head down. If anything, they would think I was just showing respect. I could feel the Prince staring at me.

"Thank you so much for welcoming me into your home on such short notice. The rest of the royal party should be here the day after tomorrow. My mother's carriage is built for comfort, not speed. I grew impatient so I rode ahead."

A few servants entered the hall with pitchers of ale, cider, and wine. No one said anything as they made their way around the table filling glasses. Next, a large basket of bread was placed on the table.

I peeked up at the Prince and he was still looking at me and smirking. What sort of punishment was he considering for my transgressions?

"Actually Lord Thomas, your niece and I have already met."

I snapped my head up to look at the Prince and I'm sure my eyes were bulging out of my head. He almost looked giddy about putting me in such an uncomfortable position.

"You see, earlier today I was traveling through the woods on the outskirts of your land when I ran into Emily here. My horse and I stopped for a drink and there she was."

I reached for my goblet of wine because I didn't know what else to do. My uncle was going to be so upset with me when he found out I had threatened a royal.

"And thank the heavens she was there. I wasn't sure which direction to go and it was about to start raining. Emily told me how to get to the manor. Such a kind soul! I would have offered her a ride but she ran off when the thunder started. You didn't give me a chance to thank you Little One."

I nearly spit out the sip I was taking. For some reason, he had spared me. He lied for me. I put my goblet down and looked at the Prince. His expression had softened. I needed to show my gratitude somehow.

"No thanks needed Prince Henry. It was an honor."

My aunt decided to take over the conversation.

"Emily you should not be venturing so far from the manor. It's not safe for a lady."

I turned away from the Prince to face my aunt. I knew she wouldn't be pleased.

"Sorry Aunt Elizabeth. I needed a particular plant and it only grows near the stream that marks the border of your lands."

The Prince seemed intrigued by our conversation.

"What did you need a particular plant for? Some sort of culinary dish?"

Before I could answer, Eddie jumped in.

"Emily is a healer. The best in the Southern Lowlands. She's the smartest person I know."

I gave Eddie a smile to show my appreciation for his kind words. I glanced back at my aunt and uncle and neither one seemed happy about Eddie revealing this new information to the Prince. They had never been ashamed of me but people had some strange reactions when they found out I was a healer.

The Prince sat there for a moment contemplating.

"You are a healer? Fascinating! Who taught you? Most of the healers I know are men and would never share their knowledge with a lady."

I debated on whether or not to reveal where I had learned my skill. It was one thing to be a female healer. It was another to have learned from the Arbors. In the end, I decided to go with the truth.

"A few years ago, I met an Arbor woman named Alva. She is an incredible healer. It's almost as if she can perform miracles. She took me under her wing and taught me everything she knows. So I don't practice the same healing as the healers you speak of. I don't believe in blood letting. I use what I find in nature to make medicines. The Arbors believe that nature provides us with everything we need."

Everyone sat in silence after my explanation. I probably said too much. The last thing I wanted to do was upset my uncle but it was very important to me that I be myself.

The Prince no longer had a smile on his face and was now staring at me with a serious look. It was frowned upon to interact with the Arbors. I'm sure I was in trouble. Before either one of us could speak again, the servants came in the room. Dinner was served.

A/N  Meh, not the most exciting chapter but a necessary one. Thanks for reading! Please comment any feedback!

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