Chapter 16

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I was so distracted by all the thoughts swirling around in my head that I didn't even realize that Eddie had dragged me back to the King's quarters and had retreated before any drama began. Before I knew it, I was standing in front of a very much alive king sitting up in bed. I curtsied and looked around to see Henry and his brother standing on the opposite side of the bed while the queen was sat in a chair next to the bed. Henry caught me eye and gave me a reassuring smile. I felt a little less nervous.

"My son tells me that I owe my life to you." The king spoke to me without any hint of the state he was in earlier in the day.

"I am still not completely sure of the circumstances that occurred here today and to be honest, I can't remember anything. But Henry tells me the situation was dire and you treated me with some sort of medicine and now I feel completely better. I am forever in your debt."

Before I could respond, the queen jumped out of her chair and pointed a finger at me.

"She's a witch! You were dead! And she gave you some sort of potion and then you came back! She probably is the reason you were sick in the first place and she used dark magic to save you and get in your good graces. She's evil!"

Henry grabbed her arm and made her face him.

"Mother stop it! Emily did no such thing! You can't go around accusing her of something so heinous without proof. I know Emily and she would never bring harm to anyone, let alone her king."

She wrenched her arm away from her son and stormed over to my side of the bed. All of a sudden, she was in my face. She was a few inches taller than me and she was radiating so much hate and anger that I felt myself cower.

"I see you girl. These men may be blinded by your fake innocence and beauty but not me. I see the darkness in your eyes. I know you are behind my husband's illness and I know you did something illicit to heal him. And when I find proof, I will end you. That is a promise!"

She turned and stormed out of the room slamming the door behind her. I jumped at the sound and started shaking when I let her words sink in. The queen, who was the second most powerful person in our lands, had her eyes set on me and wanted to ruin me. The tears I shed earlier threatened to fall again but I took a deep breath to hold it in. I felt a hand on my arm and I turned to see Henry next to me with a look of concern in his eyes.

I tried to give him a smile back to let him know I was okay but I don't think he bought it. I did not want to appear weak in front of him or his father. Our moment was interrupted by a small cough coming from the bed. I turned back towards the king.

"Come here Emily." The king patted the bed next to him signaling for me to sit down next to him. The whole situation felt surreal. I slowly walked away from Henry and made my way over to the bed before gently sitting down next to King George.

"You'll have to excuse my wife. I think this whole ordeal really has her at her wits end. I promise I won't allow her to bring any harm to you. Like I said, I owe you my life. Henry has done nothing but sing your praises. And I trust my son. Please tell me how I can repay you for your service to us and this kingdom." I stared at the king in shock. How did he end up married to Queen Alexandria? They were so different.

"Your grace, it is my duty and my honor to have served you. No repayment is necessary. I'm just grateful that you are better." I answered him sincerely.

"Well, if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family, please let me know. I always pay my debts." The king smiled at me and I was still in shock that he was here sitting in front of me, talking to me.

I excused myself so I could pull myself together. Everything that has happened in the past few hours was starting to catch up to me.
I also realized I hadn't eaten all day. I made my way to the kitchens and couldn't help but notice everyone staring at me as I passed. I know what they are thinking. There has always been rumors about me. That what I did bordered on witchcraft. People knew about my connection with the Arbors and judged me because of it. All I've ever wanted was to help people. What was wrong with that?

I grabbed some biscuits and an apple in the kitchen. That would have to do for a late lunch. As I was walking back to my room to clean myself up after my fight with the queen, I was approached by a man that I recognized as a member of the queens guard.

"The queen wishes to speak with you in her private quarters." He demanded as he grabbed me by the arm. I was a dead woman.

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