Chapter 31

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I jumped back from Henry and saw James standing at the opening of the rose garden smirking at us. Even though I was relieved it was him, my heart was still racing at the thought of being caught by someone who would not hesitate to snitch to the queen.

"You two need to be more discreet. I'm sure I'm not the only one that noticed you both walk out here." James chastised us as he walked further into the space, leaning down to smell one of the beautiful roses.

I started taking deep breaths to calm down. Henry moved in front of me putting himself between me and his brother.

"Why would you follow me James?" Henry asked. He put his hands on his hips and I could imagine the look he was giving James.

"Because you are being watched. Do you really think Mother would allow you to do anything to jeopardize your engagement?"

I stepped forward to try to control this disastrous situation.

"This was a silly mistake. It doesn't mean anything. No one has to know." All lies. I felt like the cream puff I ate earlier was going to come back up at having to say such ridiculous things. I could feel Henry's eyes on me. I didn't want to hurt him again. But he shouldn't have kissed me and I shouldn't have kissed him back. If we didn't stay away from each other, people would get hurt.

James looked at me a moment pondering what I said. What was it about him that made me feel like he could read my thoughts.

"I like you Emily. You are a good person and you are good for our Court. You've saved a lot of lives. But this is a dangerous game you are playing. Our mother would not hesitate to eliminate any perceived threat to her political ambitions. I don't want anything to happen to you."

It felt like a cold finger slid up and down my spine. James' words took me back to that room in my uncle's manor where the queen attacked me and accused me of trying to kill the king. The all-encompassing fear that gripped me that day. It was also a reminder of her threat against my family if I didn't stay away from her son. James was right. We were fools.

I looked at Henry and could see the torment on his face. He understood what we had just risked by giving into our feelings. I hoped that a part of him understood why I had to push him away last year. We couldn't be together. It was selfish to think it could be any other way. I suddenly felt so very tired. I should have never came to this party.

"I think it's time for me to return to the party." I turned away from both men and walked quickly down the pathway towards the lights of the banquet hall. I could hear their raised voices fade away behind me. Maybe James could convince Henry to let me go. Because I was finding it harder and harder to resist him. I thought maybe with so much time passed, my feelings for Henry would have faded. If anything, the time and distant only made me yearn for him more.

I slipped thru the doors into the party that was in full swing and rushed to the other side of the room so I could sneak out and make it back to my room without causing any more trouble. I managed to make it out of the room without running into Samuel or Izzy. I couldn't face anyone right now because I was sure my crimes were written all over my face. All I wanted was to reach my room and wash away the feeling of him on me. It was torture to have the memory of that kiss on my lips. To feel the ghost of his hand when he brushed my cheek. Why did he have to come back here so soon?

I found myself running thru the palace to make it back to my room. It felt like the world was crashing in on me and I couldn't catch my breath. I shouldn't be here. It's too dangerous. If I was brave enough, I would pack my things and run away in the night. I doubt the king would care enough to look for me. There were others that could do what I do. He could replace me. I reached my room finally and as soon as the door was shut, I started yanking at my dress to get it off. I was an imposter in this court. I shouldn't be wearing ball gowns and dancing with courtiers at a Royal ball. Who did I think I was? I stripped down to my underclothes and collapsed in a heap on the floor. I hadn't felt this kind of panic since I managed to heal the king last year.

I laid there on the floor until I felt like I had my breathing under control. But I felt so physically drained that I could only manage to crawl up into my bed and pass out.

Terrifying dreams plagued me all night. I dreamt of the midnight bloom turning to blood in my hands and spreading all over me. I dreamt of the black water the Arbor Oracle, Catori, told Henry and I about. I was standing on a beach and a giant black wave was racing towards me and the land at my back. I tried to run from it but my feet were sinking into the sand. The wave crashed into the beach and I was knocked over and pushed down from the impact. I couldn't tell which way was up and my body kept tumbling through the darkness. I was drowning and I could hear screaming coming from somewhere. Suddenly, a hand grabbed mine and started pulling me. I could start to see a sliver of light and knew someone was pulling me to the surface. We broke the surface and I gasped for breath. The world around me was in chaos. People were drowning in the black water. There was no land anywhere. I looked around trying to figure out who saved me but there was too many faces. I started swimming. Towards what, I don't know. No matter what direction I went, nothing changed.

Suddenly, another giant wave was coming towards me. I started swimming faster but it crashed into me anyway. Again, I was pushed under into the darkness. Again, someone grabbed my hand and started pulling me. This time, there was no light. We ended up on a beach and I collapsed in relief. After a coughing fit from all the water I surely swallowed, I glanced up to see who my savior was. It was a man I had never seen before but something about him was so familiar. He reached out his hand to help me up and I had the overwhelming feeling that I could trust him.

I stood in front of him and he looked down at me with a tender look in his eyes. I stared back trying to make sense of who he was. Why was he looking at me like he knew me? Why did he save me? Why was he so familiar?

"I don't have a lot of time but I had to warn you." His voice. There was a memory trying to break free in my brain. I've heard that voice before.

"The prince needs you Emily. And you need him. You must stay with the prince. It's the only hope to save this world. You must remember." Before I had time to consider his warning, his face became blurry as if he was made of smoke and he was slowly disappearing. The feeling of safety I felt in his presence was replaced by dread. The screaming around me grew louder and I turned towards the water and another black wave was coming at me. I started running but I wasn't fast enough. The wave towered over me and came crashing down. I jolted up at before I could drown.

I was in my bed in my room at the palace. The sky was just starting to brighten in anticipation of the sun rising. It was only a dream. A dream that felt too real.

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