Chapter 12

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As the Royal Family made their way into the hall and took their seats at the table, I could feel two sets of eyes on me. My uncle was seated at one end of the table with his sons to his left and my aunt and I to his right. The king was seated at the other end with the queen and Henry to his right and Prince James to his left. With this seating arrangement, the queen and Henry were sitting diagonally from me. I looked up to see both Henry and the Queen looking at me. I didn't mind the attention from Henry but the look the Queen was giving me made me feel physically ill. All I wanted was to get through this meal unscathed. Apparently that was asking too much.

"Lord Thomas, care to tell me why you allow your healer to dine with you?"

The queen said the word "healer" like it was something unsavory. I hated that I was already causing trouble for my aunt and uncle.

"Your Grace, this is my niece, Emily. She has lived with us since infancy. While she does serve us as our healer, she is also a part of our family," my uncle said.

I was so grateful to my uncle for his words. I looked at the queen who was now narrowing her eyes at me. I could tell she was annoyed that I did not divulge my identity to her this morning. Before she could lash out at me, the King spoke up.

"Your niece? Where are her parents?"

Why were they speaking as if I wasn't sitting there right in front of them. I went to speak but my aunt put her hand over mine and answered for me.

"Her parents died when she was just a babe and my husband and I adopted her and raised her as our own. She took an interest in healing a few years ago and learned from an expert. Now she helps us out around the castle and in the village."

Leave it to my aunt to sugarcoat everything. O how I wished I could just live my life without any shame or judgement. I glanced at Henry to see what his reaction to this conversation was. His jaw was clenched and his hand was clenching his goblet so tight that his knuckles were turning white. I was happy to see he was affected on my behalf and a big part of me was hoping he would defend me. But I knew better.

The queen scoffed like she had just heard the most incredulous thing ever.

"You allowed your niece to train to be a healer? What is happening down here in the South? You need to gain better control over your family and subjects Lord Thomas!"

All of sudden there was a loud bang as someone's fist came down hard on the table. I looked to the source to see a fuming Henry.

"That's enough Mother! Leave Emily alone! She's incredible at what she does and the people here are lucky to have her. And good for Lord Thomas for recognizing the talent his niece possesses!"

Everyone sat there shocked at the outburst. The queen especially. I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I was thrilled that Henry stuck up for me but I felt horrible that my presence at this meal caused so much drama for my family.

"Henry, don't speak to your mother that way. Lord Thomas and Lady Elizabeth, I apologize for my family's behavior. My wife is very traditional but she should not have spoken to you that way. And my son Henry can be a little hot-headed. We are your guests and I promise you we are going to start acting like it."

The king said those words so calmly but I could tell there was authority behind them. Before anything else could be said, servants entered the room with our drinks and the first course. My appetite had completely vanished. I looked over at Henry who was staring at me with an unreadable expression. I gave him a small smile to reassure him I was okay. I would have to give him a proper thank you later on when we were alone.

I glanced over at the queen to see her watching me intently. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach that she suspected there was something going on between Henry and I. I was terrified of her. She already hated me. But if she found out her son, a prince, had romantic feelings towards me, she would probably stop at nothing to keep us apart. And I had a feeling I would take the brunt of her opposition.

I decided to just keep my head down the rest of the night and focus on my meal. I heard conversations going on around me about fighting tactics, taxes, and some sort of threat from across the sea. None of it interested me. All I wanted was to get out of there as soon as possible and return to my surgery.

Finally, dessert was being served and I could count down the minutes till my escape. I hadn't dared look up at Henry again and he hadn't said one word the entire meal. I started daydreaming about what it would be like if I was a noblewoman and someone who was acceptable for a prince to be with. How would that feel? To be accepted by the queen? To not have a family that makes excuses for your existence?

I hated that I was feeling sorry for myself. That's not who I was. Why did I put myself in this position? I had allowed myself to fall for someone that I could never be with. And I was probably going to get my heart broken.

When we finished dessert and the Royal Family had excused themselves, I scurried out of there as fast as my legs could take me. I was not emotionally prepared for whatever my aunt was going to say to me. I practically ran to my surgery and slammed the door shut behind me. I collapsed in a chair and finally let the tears I had been holding back all night fall.

I cried for my mother who was abandon by my father and then disowned by her family. I cried for my aunt and uncle who stepped up and took on a child they never planned for. But I was mostly crying for myself. I could usually squash these self-loathing feelings down but the queen had made me feel like the nobody I was. Maybe I should run away and live with the Arbors? No, the work I did here was more important than my hurt feelings.

I wiped the tears away and stood up. I had exercised all the bad emotions that dinner had caused me and now it was time to get on with my life. Just as I was about to reach for the doorknob, the door swung open.

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