Chapter 22

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I barely remembered the journey from my room to the giant wooden doors in front of me. I probably should have paid attention so I could get my bearings in this giant castle. Knowing me, I'll get lost everyday that I am here. But I could worry about that later.

I was feeling strange. It felt like I was living someone else's life at the moment. There was no way I was about to be presented to the Royal Court. I was no one. And if I was being honest, I was fine with that. I didn't mind being invisible. I was able to be myself with no questions asked. But all that was about to change. It all felt surreal. I had to keep repeating what I decided was my mantra while I was here: "I belong here. I'm wanted here."

One of the attendants that accompanied me to the throne room pulled the giant wooden doors opened and slipped in to announce me. "I belong here. I'm wanted here."

I heard my name being announced and a guard was gently pushing me towards the opened door. "I belong here. I'm wanted here."

I somehow got my legs to work and walked into the throne room with my chin held high. There were people in all sorts of fancy clothing lined up on either side of me and directly in front of me, the king and queen sat upon their thrones slightly elevated from the crowd. They both were wearing bejeweled crowns that looked to weigh a ton. The king had a smile on his face but the queen was actually snearing at me. I almost stopped in my tracks. No one has ever looked at me with so much hatred in their eyes. She didn't have to worry about me "tricking" Henry into loving me when he wasn't even here. He wasn't even in the same country.

I slowly made my way down the long aisle. I could feel so many pairs of eyes on me. I was not used to being the center of attention like this. When I finally found myself standing directly in front of the king and queen, I did my very best curtsy. When I rose back up, the king had stood up and was reaching for my hand. He leaned down and placed a kiss on the back of my hand. I didn't know how to react to this intimate gesture but I heard several people gasp in the crowd. When I glanced at the queen, the look she was giving me was downright murderous.

The king stepped down and stood next to me. He grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face the crowd. There were so many people!

"My loyal subjects, I'm sure you have all heard the story of my near death experience last year. How I was overcome by the mysterious disease that is plaguing our lands and stealing our loved ones. This remarkable young lady standing here beside me is the only reason I survived. The queen and I are forever in your debt, sweet Emily! You have done a great service to this kingdom! I humbly request that you accept my offer to be the official healer of the Royal Family."

He was looking at me expectantly. Everyone was looking at me expectantly. I was frozen with nerves. I felt a pinch on my arm that snapped me out of it. It was the king and I was grateful for the assistance.

"Of course! I accept your offer your Grace. It's a great honor and I am grateful for the opportunity!" Phew! I really hoped that was all I was expected to say. I wish someone had prepared me for this.

"How splendid! I have every faith in you Emily! Now, friends, let's celebrate Emily's arrival with a feast and dancing in the ballroom!" And with that, the king and the court made their way to the entrance and filed out into the hallway. I stood there still feeling overwhelmed. After a moment, I sensed a presence behind me. I turned to see the queen standing there with her arms crossed and smirking at me.

"I have to give it to you Emily, you're braver than I expected. To actually have the nerve to come to my home and weasel your way into my court. I underestimated you. I will not be making that mistake again." She uncrossed her arms and closed the space between us. She was now standing directly in front of me and forcing me to look up at her since she was taller than I was.

"I will make it my mission to be sure you leave here sooner rather than later and I'll make sure every person that was just in this room, especially my husband, loathes you as much as I do." She was now smiling. She was enjoying this. Why did she hate me so much? She backed up out of my personal space and turned quickly toward the exit.

When she reached the doors, she turned back to me with a huge grin on her face before landing her final blow.

"Oh and Emily, good job on pushing my son away last year. He hates you so much that he couldn't even stand to be in the same country as you." She was laughing now as she walked out of the room leaving me alone. All the confidence I had walking in here was gone. I should never have come here.

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