Chapter 29

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By the time we arrived at the castle, it was dark out. We didn't talk at all the rest of the ride. We both had said what we needed to say. Henry had made it clear to me the seriousness of his situation. The more I thought about it, the more I realize he was warning me off. He needed his marriage to happen. The kingdom needed it, as well. I would keep my distance. Staying away from him benefitted me as well. I had a job to do anyway.

When we rode into the stables, I noticed that both mine and Samuel's horses were in their stalls. My initial reaction was to feel as if he had abandoned me in the woods. But maybe there was an explanation. I hoped there was. We walked in silence towards the castle and as we got closer, I noticed a group of men standing around deep in conversation. Amongst them was Samuel. He heard us approach and looked up. His face showed shock, confusion when he realized I wasn't alone, and then relief. He pushed away from the group of men and practically ran over to Henry and I.

"Your Grace! You've returned early! And thank heavens you did! You found dear sweet Emily!" He bowed to Henry and then turned his attention on me, looking me over to assess my condition.

"Was he your escort?" Henry ignored Samuel altogether and turned to me to find out what was going on.

"Yes but it was my fault I got lost. I was intent on finding a particular plant and wandered off. You know how I am when I'm working." I tried to explain what happened but the look of rage I saw in Henry's eyes told me he didn't accept my explanation. He turned back to Samuel with a clenched jaw.

"Do you know what could have happened to her? DO YOU?" He yelled in Samuel's face and I put my hand on his arm but he just brushed me off.

"And why aren't you out there searching? It was your responsibility to keep her safe and you failed! I should throw you in the dungeons for negligence Samuel!" Before things could escalate anymore, I stood between them and gently pushed Henry back.

"Henry please! I told you this was my fault! Please calm down!" I noticed he had his hands clenched and I let my fingers gently brush his fists for a second or two. I wanted to distract him but without drawing attention to the fact. His head jerked down to look at me and the blazing anger in his eyes turned into something else. I saw fear. Was he scared of me? I had hurt him once before. I couldn't blame him if he didn't want it to happen again.

He broke our eye contact and stepped back. After taking a second to collect himself, he stalked away from us and headed towards the castle. What just happened here?

When I turned to face Samuel, he had a strange look on his face.

"You just called the prince by his given name. And he allowed you to touch him."

I felt panic grip me. How could I be so foolish? If what just happened got back to the Queen, there would be trouble. I needed to fix this.

"The prince and I became friendly when I saved the King's life. He gave me permission to call him by his name." I hated using the King's near death experience as clout, but if it meant getting Samuel to stop asking questions, then it was necessary. There was too much at stake. He looked down at the ground and nodded his head as if he accepted what I told him.

"I am truly sorry for what happened today Emily. I thought you were in that clearing with all the dandelions so I took the horses to the stream for a drink. When I returned to where I last saw you, you were gone. I searched for you but it was as if you disappeared. So I came back here to gather a search party. That's what I was doing just now. The prince was right. I failed to protect you. Please tell me you are unharmed. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I caused any injury to you."

"I'm fine Samuel. Just a little tired. And I'm the one who was careless today. I was too focused on finding what I was looking for to pay attention to my surroundings. It seems I always have to learn things the hard way. I'm the one who is sorry Samuel. I didn't mean to cause such a fuss." I felt wretched. I was always putting myself in bad situations and dragging others down with me.

We both agreed to put the events of the day behind us. He walked me back to the castle before bidding me good night. I dragged myself up to my room, changed out of my filthy clothing, put on a clean nightgown, and went to bed.

I spent the next week trying to avoid everyone. I had only one purpose here. I wasn't here to make trouble and the only way to avoid it was to keep to myself. Of course, I heard what was happening amongst the Court. Henry's betrothed had arrived a few days after Henry. Her name was Princess Maria of Lasterly, an island kingdom to the North. Betsy informed me that she was very beautiful but not very friendly.

Samuel kept sending me notes, asking me to have dinner with him. Even if I enjoyed his company, I felt it was best to keep my distance. So I was basically holed up in my surgery day and night, only leaving to go sleep in my room for a few hours. One particularly busy day, another note arrived but surprisingly it was not from Samuel. It was from Izzy who I had not seen since my welcoming banquet.

Dearest Emily,
    I'm aware you have been very busy with your most important work. I feel it is a travesty that we have not spent any time together especially since I know we would be  great friends. Please allow me one night of your precious time. The King is having a dinner tomorrow night to honor Princess Maria and James and I would be honored if you would attend as our guest. We both feel you should be part of the festivities and that you deserve the break.

Yours truly,


Well how was I going to get out of this?

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