Chapter 23

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We are packing up to end our trip, we both decided to cut it short and just go home. I got to dip my feet into one ocean at least. As we are driving back, Jeffrey looks over at me and says "you know I have to go film again once we get back. I don't even get to spend the day with you. I fly out that night."
"I'll be ok. I have things to keep me busy." I say holding his hand. He grips it like it's the last time he will ever hold it.
When we arrived back home, it was dark out. We walked up to the house and saw Norman sleeping on the couch.
"Wake up sugar!" Jeffrey yelled at him.
Norman jumped up so fast. Jeffrey and I just started laughing at him.
"Not funny. I could have had a heart attack." He says grabbing his chest dramatically.
After awhile we said goodbye to Norman. I went to go lay in bed. Jeffrey wasn't too far to lay next to me. "I don't want to leave you. I'm going to miss you." Jeffrey says against the back of my neck.
"I'll be ok. It'll go by fast. How long again?" I say turning over to look into his brown eyes.
"Four months. Think you can handle that?" He says as he kissed my forehead.
"I don't have a choice." I say cuddling up to him and falling asleep.

A few days go by and I have barely talked to Jeffrey. He has been working late nights and early mornings filming. I had been on vacation from work since he left and just bored of not having him around. I took out my phone and laid it on the couch as I decided to take a nap. In 2 weeks, I have an ultrasound to see our baby again. It made me happy and sad because Jeffrey won't be there but I plan on taking pictures for him. I started to drift off to sleep.
Meanwhile, Jeffrey was talking to Norman.
"So, you really think she is the one?" Norman asks as he drinks his beer.
"Actually, I do. She gets me. She knows what I'm going to say before I even know what I'm going to say." Jeffrey says with a smile.
"Im just happy that you are back to yourself. I really thought you wouldn't be back to yourself. Look I get you lost Hailey but I lost my best friend that same day. You wouldn't talk to anyone. You would show up to act but then lock yourself in your trailer and not come out until it was filming time again. It was nice when you actually came to Jensons party with Jean. I have never seen that twinkle in your eye. I saw as you watched her move and never let her out of your sight." He says getting up to leave. "I am really glad you are you again. That's all I'm saying."
"Thanks Norman. Glad you understand." Jeffrey says getting up to let Norman out of his trailer and going to bed.

2 weeks to loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora