Chapter 11

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As we walked out of my hotel, the press was waiting for Jeffrey already. He grabbed my hand tight and pushed his way through them to the sidewalk. He turned to me and said "let's go for a drive instead. They won't leave us alone." I nodded and got into the passenger seat. As the press hounded Jeffrey as he got into his car, I see him grip his steering wheel tight.
"What is wrong?" I asked him putting my hand on his.
"It's what they just said to me! I can't believe they would fucking say what they said about you!" He said putting on his seatbelt.
"What did they say?" I asked not really wanting to know the answer.
"They asked why I was dating someone who is just with me for the money!" He says starring into my eyes. "I told them to fuck off." He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.
"I can make my own money." I say laughing. "I will take care of you when you get sick Jeffrey. I'll pay for your bills." I say smiling.
He looked at me and smiled back, "you'll do that for me?" He says cockily. "Please do so I can save money."
We arrived at a small diner. We ate then went back to my hotel.
"Hey Jeffrey, can I ask you something?" I say as I came out of the bathroom.
"Of course you can." He says laying on the bed.
"Why don't you ever go to where you live or are staying? Why always my place?" I asked as I laid next to him.
"Well, I didn't know if you wanted to. Plus I have 2 dogs at my place." He says smiling.
"Hold the fuck up! You have dogs and never thought to bring me to see them? I love animals! Oh my god! Can I meet them? What are their names?" I say giddily.
"If that is how you were going to reacted, I would have let you meet them before. Bandit and Honey." He says smiling.
"Let me meet them tomorrow. Right now I need a nap." I say yawning.
"Night Jean." He says kissing my neck.
"Hey Jeffrey..." I say rolling over.
"Mmm" he says holding me against him.
"I'm going to cancel my flight and stay 2 more weeks. You ok with that?" I say quietly.
Jeffrey rolled on top of me and kissed me so hard that it stole my breath. "Of course I'm ok with that."
He made love to me and we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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