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Jungkook entered inside the room with yoongi and holly following behind them both. "Hyung will u take the stuff from the studio too?" Jk asked looking at everything in the room. "No i dont think so prince" yoongi said packing holly's stuff. "Go and eat holly" yoongi said pushing holly away for few mins

"Hyung i want to ask something" jk asked and yoongi nodded listening. "Why dont you smile like you are smiling now?" Jk asked and yoongi's smile faded away. "Its nothing kid" yoongi said seriously and went to his bathroom accidentally forgetting to lock it tho. Yoongi removed his shirt and touched his chest. His whole chest was bandaged. He didn't have any deep cut or anything. He just bandaged his slight blade cuts so he dont cut anymore.

"Hyung are u okay?!" Jk asked and yoongi replied. "yes I will be out in a min". Yoongi touched his chest and decided to remove the bandage finally. Yoongi removed the bandage , wore his shirt back and went outside. "Ugh i shouldn't have bought kumamon , fuck it. I have so much to pack" yoongi said and dramatically fell on the bed.

"Hyung i want something from you" kook asked sitting next to yoongi. "I will give you everything besides holly. So ask" yoongi said and holly jumped on his back. "Anything , I dont care just give me anything that you own. I dont know when will we meet again. I will keep that thing with me forever. Please hyung just give me" jk asked and yoongi got up.

He opened the drawer and took put 7 rainbow colored bracelets with everyone's initial in it. "Whats that?" Jk asked and yoongi hid it in his pocket. "I will give it to you all later" yoongi said and went back again to pack. After 3 hours , they finally packed everything necessary and went downstairs.

Everyone was sitting on the couch with a gloomy face. "Guys i have something for you" yoongi said in a cheerful tone he hadn't used for a while. Yoongi gave everyone the rainbow bracelets as in age order like violet went to jin and red went jungkook. "Please keep this safe forever" yoongi said and they hugged him tightly again. "This is my last gift. I wanted to give these in front of ARMY in our next concert." Yoongi whispered and felt tears on his shoulders.

"Jin hyung please dont cry" yoongi said hugging them tightly. *maybe this is my last hug with them , how will I live without them?* yoongi's tears fell down but he wiped them instantly. "Take care all of you" yoongi broke the hug and went to give each box to the employees who were incharge of shifting him.

"Will he be okay?" Jin asked to everyone and yoongi heard him. "Dont worry i will be fine" yoongi answered and went to the car with holly. He stepped out of the dorm but suddenly someone pulled him inside again. He didn't even have time to speak when someone captured his lips with theirs. He was shocked but didnt say anything. Soon he melted in the kiss and kissed back.

Jungkook broke the kiss and looked at yoongi with just love in his eyes. "I love you hyung I was too late to realise it" jungkook confessed and yoongi smiled at him lightly. "Yes you were too late. I love you too but we cant be together prince. I dont want you to suffer like I did. You are too young for all that. I love you jungkook" yoongi said and pecked kook for the last time. "I love you too" jungkook whispered only for yoongi to hear.

"Goodbye" yoongi whispered and went to sit in the car. As soon as the car drove off , jungkook fell on his knees. "Kook!" Tae ran up to him and bent down to his level. "That was my love leaving my life forever" kook whispered and tae hugged him.

Jin just went to his own room and locked the door. He knew no one would eat dinner. No one was in the state of eating dinner. Soon everyone went to their room and fell asleep expect jungkook. He was staring at his bracelet and crying silently. He touched he bracelet gently and hugged it like his life depended on it. He missed his hyung and it wasnt even a day...

Jungkook cried all night and went out of the room in the morning. He immediately met namjoon outside his door and kook hugged him tightly. Namjoon held his face and looked at him. Jungkook was ruined. Blood red-shot and puffy eyes. Dark circles cleary visible. Tears still running down his cheeks. And it was visible he hadn't slept at night.

Jungkook just left namjoon and went to yoongi's room which was empty now. He opened the cupboard and found many black t-shirts with a note.

Please dont throw them away. I didnt wanted to leave. So I am leaving my favorite t-shirts. I am sorry  -Yoongi. 

Kook read it and broke down into tears again. He took one of t-shirt and sniffed it. It had yoongi's scent. Jungkook went out and got back with jin by his side. "Never. I repeat NEVER wash any of them" jk informed and jin nodded. "I wont. You can have all of them" jin said and went out.

Jungkook found another note under the bed and took it.

This is my last note for all of you. Please take care of yourselves. Work hard and achieve your dreams. I give you all one work..make me the proudest for all of you. Don't skip you meals or your sleep. Don't overwork. Be yourselves and make ARMYs happy.     

-min yoongi.

Jungkook took it and kept it on the dining table where everyone was having breakfast. "Whats that?" Hoseok asked taking it first. "Hyung's last note for all of you". Hobi read it out loud and everyone turned to jk. "Its you who skips meals like now and sleep. See even your love tells you not to. Please dont jk come eat with us. Please?" Tae asked and jk nodded sitting with them.

Losing myself....M.Y.G Where stories live. Discover now