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Finally at 5 am he decided to get ready and make breakfast. Till 6 he was done with everything and nobody woke up till then. They would probably wake up 7. He kept the breakfast with a note saying 'breakfast is ready , heat it up and i will meet you all at 10 at the destination'

He ate his breakfast alone and went out after taking his wallet , mask and phone. He went and sat on park bench alone. He wore his mask after he saw more people coming for morning walks.

After few mins later he felt someone throw a stone at him from behind. Luckily it didn't hit his head. He turned around around and saw a teenager girl throw a ball of paper at him. He caught it and opened it.

Yoongi's eyes immediately went teary and he got up to bow to her. "I am really sorry" yoongi apologized and went somewhere else.

Why are even alive? No one wants you. Just die and leave my 6 oppas alone. I hate you so much yoongi. I wish you sleep well and never wake up again. I hope a lighting strikes on you. I heard you even tried to seduce my 6 oppas? Atleast let them live peacefully! You seriously ruin my mood everytime I look at you. Please leave the band.

This was the paper. He signed it and threw it away. It was his 48th paper filled with hate that he signed. He went to a small Cafe which was empty. He ordered an iced americano and paid the employee.

Yoongi took the drink and went somewhere else. He found an empty alley and heard a dog barking. He went to find that dog but someone pinned him on the wall. Yoongi was in his senses and didn't wanted to get raped. He threw his americano on the man's face and kicked his balls hard.

As soon as he fell down. Yoongi ran for his life. He saw a puppy chained tightly around his neck while nobody was saving it. He immediately found a big stone. Yoongi saw the man getting up and following him.

He hit the chain with the stone and it broke. Yoongi took the poodle puppy and ran somewhere crowded. The puppy was so thin and dirty. Its rib cage were visible clearly.

He checked the time it was 8 only so he decided to go a vet. He took a bus there and booked an appointment on the counter.

"Kim yoongi!" Yes he had to give his fake name. He got up and went to the vet.

"I found this puppy in an dark alley and there was a thick tight chain on his neck." Yoongi said and vet examined the puppy.

"I'm afraid we have to keep him for a few hours. And his treatment will cost a lot too." Vet said writing something on his notepad.

"Take as much as you want but save him. How many hours will he be here?" Yoongi asked and checked the time. He still had time.

"Just till evening mr.kim" the vet said and yoongi nodded. "Then I will come take him" yoongi said and the vet nodded. Yoongi thanked him and went outside.

He noticed he was at the very end of the city and his company was just the exact opposite direction. "Fuck I am dead" yoongi thought and hailed a cab quickly. He told the driver to drop him at the Cafe near hybe labels.

It was 8 30 and it would atleast take him a hour to reach. He used his phone in the whole ride luckily the driver wasn't the talkative type.

"Yoongi hyung we are here" the driver said shocking yoongi. "How did u know?" Yoongi asked and the driver answered. "I am a bts army. I dropped you at the company. Have a good day , good luck".

"You too , thank you" yoongi said and ran inside the company.

Luckily he still had 15 mins. He immediately changed his dress to shoot and ran to their stylists who were sitting there waiting for him.

Yoongi stopped in front of them panting hard. "Im sorry for being late but just do it quickly" he said and the stylists nodded. She did his makeup just in enough time and he ran to the members who were standing.

"IM REALLY SORRY GUYS!" He said still running and finally reached them. No one said anything and just got to work.

"COLLAR DOWN! I HOPE YOU DIDNT SEDUCE ANYONE?!" Pd-nim yelled and yoongi just quietly shook his head and put his collar down showing his hickey again.

Between their shooting , jimin accidentally bumped in yoongi and it was a scene which was suppose to be in mv. "YOONGI!! HOW MANY TIMES WILL U MESS UP?!" Pd-nim yelled again and yoongi flinched. Jimin wanted to say something until yoongi came in front of him so pd-nim doesn't yell at him.

"I am really sorry" yoongi said and pd-nim sighed heavily. "Anyways get away. We need to shoot it again." He said again and yoongi nodded. Yoongi patted jimin on his shoulder and went after saying sorry.

"Break for 5 mins!" Pd-nim said and everyone sighed. Jimin just sat on any one chair. He covered his mouth and grabbed his hair frustratingly. Even after yesterday his hyung came to save him and he cant even say anything when pd-nim yells at his hyung.

Losing myself....M.Y.G Where stories live. Discover now