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Jungkook just went to yoongi's room and waited for yoongi. Yoongi told him to wait while he gives the pendrive to tae. Yoongi entered and locked the door. Jk gulped hard looking at him. Not scared , he was just turned on seeing this side of yoongi.

Yoongi is usually in his soft side with kook , he was never serious with kook. He turned around and removed his shirt slowly.

"W-what ar-are y-you d-doing?" Jk asked shocked and yoongi chuckled.

"You are not innocent anymore are you?" Yoongi said and jk whispered.

"W-why d-did u ca-call me?" Jk asked still stuttering when he saw yoongi top naked.

"Please first of all dont be embarrassed coz I'm shirtless. Second , about what happened in few days. I wanted to talk to you."yoongi said seriously and looked at the hickies on his skin by yujin.

"Disgusting" yoongi whispered to himself while touching one of those.

"First of all , sorry for yelling at you at kook. I know you just wanted to see but I just yelled at you. I am sorry" yoongi apologized while taking foundation and applying it on the hickies.

"You dont need to be sorry. Its okay , i was being stubborn. And about the cuts on your legs. Uh I m really sorry hyung , i didnt know you will enter. I threw it without thinking." Yoongi limped back at him and ruffled his hair.

"Dont be , its okay. And thanks about yesterday , my ankle is better now. Thanks for saving me that day too" yoongi said the last line looking at his hickies.

Jungkook understood and hugged him tightly. "You dont need to thank me. I am so happy that I saved you hyung." Jungkook said and yoongi nodded in his chest.

"Yaah! Your hands are so cold what the hell!" Yoongi said and pushed jk. Jk's hands were on his back while hugging and yoongi suddenly felt so cold on his back.

"Uhh i-i am s-sorry ab-about y-yesterday too i-i s-swear I di-didnt mean t-to" jk said while rubbing his nape in embarrassment.

"Pretend that never happened please" yoongi said embarrassed too. Jk nodded and suddenly said.

"Should i help in putting foundation?" Jk saw the hickies on side on yoongi's waist. Yoongi was not able to reach them properly. They were actually not hickies , they were dark bite marks which were even bleeding for a few days but were kinda better now.

Yoongi gave the foundation to him and nodded. Jk put a lil foundation and pressed on the hickies by mistake.

"YAAAH!! GENTLE BUNNY!" Yoongi said with his eyes closed and everyone gathered outside yoongi's room.

"Told u they will fuck" jimin whispered to his soulmate. They just heard yoongi scream and gathered outside the room to eavesdrop.

"Not there! Lil bit left!" Yoongi didnt know why he was screaming but it hurts on his side. Ofc it will , they were straight bites from human.

"Please gently kook" yoongi said and kook nodded. He applied foundation everywhere and no hickies were left.

"Aaah! Finally!" Yoongi said and kook groaned loudly when he fell on the bed tripping over himself.

"Are u both seriously fucking now?!" Jin bursted through he door and covered his eyes thinking he both will be naked.

"Sorry but what?!" Yoongi screamed keeping the foundation.

"What? Weren't you both fucking just now?!" Jin asked and jk removed jin's hands from his eyes.

"Who was fucking?" Jk asked and jin pointed to him and yoongi.

"Yoongi was moaning your name and screaming to be gentle!" Jin said and yoongi remembered what he was screaming.

"YAAA!! HE WAS PUTTING FOUNDATION ON MY HICKIES FROM YUJIN!!" Yoongi said totally surprised the members were this dirty minded.

"Oh..." jin said and closed the door. "Continue!" They heard jin say before he went downstairs.

"Are they serious?" Jk asked blinking cutely and yoongi nodded.

"Go get ready kook and also please dont be embarrassed while talking to me" yoongi said checking its 8 already.

Kook nodded and went out. "Your moans are very pretty tho" kook said while walking out. Yoongi gasped and threw a pillow at him but kook closed the door before the pillows hits him.

"BUNNY!" Yoongi yelled at him and heard him chuckling outside.


totally embarrassing...please save me..omg are my cheeks really this red. I just checked the mirror to see i don't need blush on my cheeks with makeup.

Just let me and jungkook make a 2 second eye contact and my cheeks become bright red. Omg! I dont have time. I have to get ready.



omg! He is so hot like it was crazy. Hyung has abs too. Why doesn't he show them. And please his waist is so feminine and smooth. His body is so petite and feminine.

I just love being beside him. Jungkook get out of your world! We have a shooting! I told to myself and began getting ready. But yoongi hyung is so pretty! Can u blame me?!

I wonder who will be the lucky person to cuddle him every night? Wish it would be me...


"Lets go everyone!" Namjoon said and they all settled in the van. Since there was their manager too. Someone had to sit on someone's lap. Everyone forced yoongi to sit on jungkook's lap.

"I hate you guys!" Yoongi said sitting comfortably on jungkook's lap. "We don't care!" everyone said togther and hi-fied each other.

Suddenly a speed breaker came and jungkook held yoongi's waist tightly. Yoongi closed his eyes and jimin who was sitting in front of him , secretly took a photo of them and shared in the group chat.

Everyone's phone tinged from the notification and everyone checked their phone. "Omg! Jimin!?" Yoongi said and jimin laughed. He was going to hit jimin but jungkook held him back.

"Thanks jimin" jin said and jimin nodded. "Y'all better not delete that pic ever" jimin said and their manager chuckled. He knew what they were doing. He saw jimin sharing the pic.

"Manager-nim why are u chuckling?" Yoongi asked angrily which was very cute. "No i m not" manager said and turned to the windows.

Losing myself....M.Y.G Where stories live. Discover now