Chapter one; Parable of the sower.

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"So what you're saying is that some seeds landed on the rocky ground??" Tiarra stares at the ceiling laying on her bed. She flips and sits and says again,
"So the ones on the thorns couldn't make it?" Now she looks outside her window and smiles while receiving a breeze from the cool evening. The wind brushes off her hair from her face. She then felt this voice inside of her. "Yes. "  

The voice gave her affirmation and calmed her spirit. She smiled again and jumped on her bed."Can never be me..." she concludes and closes her Bible.

She shut her eyes and went to bed.
Meanwhile, her mom was staring at her from the door with an impressed look on her face, she turned off the light and shut the door.

Hello, guys, I have some important information. In the next chapter, you'll be seeing the cast which are people in real's just fanfic I made of them just in case I'm causing any trouble, the songs you'll be seeing in the book are real songs they sang on their youtube channel. I'm just a fan using their faces to make a book. Thank you.

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