75: A War in Two Fronts [Marathon - 1]

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It's been weeks, exactly three in a half since Adi passed away and the brothers left to hide in the shadows. I have been constantly asked to stay in the Temple and do nothing but meditate, ease my mind, etcetera. I couldn't do that. I could hear my Master but I was sure it couldn't be and I feared to see or hear her, for I thought I'd be a little too weak. It's still a fresh wound. I believe it will always be. Perhaps it will heal and stop bleeding...eventually.

Instead, I've spent my days training and fixing my lightsabers for them to unite at the end with magnets, that way I could wield a double bladed lightsaber. I was only getting g ready for my third and final round against Savage. It was hard to make them match comfortably, I had to adapt Adi's handle. That made it feel a bit more...mine, but, not quite.

I've also been boring my ass off at the office of the Senator of Naboo, helping her out with different paperwork, being her bodyguard anywhere she'd go to, etcetera. Today we found ourselves in Theed. She decided to pay our family a visit before leaving towards Coruscant again before nighttime. I was playing around with my nieces when mother called us to eat.

We sat down on our respective places, I was in between Padmé and our father as Mom and Sola served the food. Salad with chicken. For some reason, the scent of the cooked meat made me lose my appetite when mother stood to my left.

"Would you like some, dear?" She asked.

"Maybe just a little. I'm not that hungry." She nodded and served it. "Thank you." I wasn't sure if I'd eat, but I've never say no to her kind smile and her cooking.

"Of course." She left a kiss on my forehead before heading to her seat and sitting down.

  "How has everything been with the Jedi?" Asked Dad. I shrugged.

"More or less." I answered with honesty as Sola served the strawberry lemonade on the cups. "I got a Padawan of my own, his name is Cal. He's a brilliant young man. But, um...Adi passed away a while ago, I couldn't do anything to help her." My father's hand found mine on the table. Suddenly, the lightsaber hilt felt heavier again. I sighed through my nose.

  The lightsabers are connected to their own Jedi through the Force, that's how we finish the assembling of the elegant weapon, that's why it is so ours. That's why Jedi are buried or burned with their lightsabers. The fact that I held on to Adi's made it feel as if it didn't belong, because in fact, it didn't. Another selfish act of mine.

"I'm so sorry. She was a great friend of yous."

"Not only that. She was my Master, who trained and raised me, who taught me everything I know..." I sighed and took my glass. "It's been rough."

"I can only imagine." Said Sola as I nodded and smiled weakly at her when she mouthed she was sorry.

"Well, enough of that." Said Mom. "How's Anakin?" She asked before I took a sip of the beverage. I smiled before frowning. The scent and taste of the liquid were too strong...unbearable. I placed the glass on the table as I placed a smile on my face again, trying to hide what I believed was a disgusted face.

"He's alright. He'd like to visit soon, but neither of us has had enough time recently. He misses you all." I looked at the young girls. "Specially you two."

"Well, you should escape and come here." Said Ryoo and I chuckled before feeling nauseous.

"Its not that simple, sweetheart." Sola intervened as she stroke her hair gently.

"It should be." Said Pooja. "It would be more fun." I smiled and nodded.

"You're right, it should be." That's when I couldn't contain it anymore. "Excuse me." I got up abruptly from the table and walked quickly to the bathroom.

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