32: Blue Shadow Virus

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  After the battle in Christophsis, —that we won— we returned to Coruscant, and as usual, I decided to pay a visit to my sister in her chamber at the Senate.

"Hello Clint." I greeted the Senate Commando that's always outside her door. "Is the Senator in there now?"

"Yes General, is good to see you." He made a gentle head movement that I returned with a smile.

"Likewise." He clicked the door open and when my eyes went inside I just saw her rushing from one side to another. "Whoa, hey, what's going on?" I asked and her brown eyes snapped towards me.

"Lana, hi." She rushed to hug me quickly leaving a kiss on my cheek. "I'm on a rush."

"Yeah, I can tell, what's the matter? Is everything alright?"

"Not really." She sighed as I silently asked what was going on again. "There are battle droids in Naboo."

"What?" I asked again as she resumed her walk from one side to another.

"Captain Typho discovered them and the Queen fears that it could be about another invasion."

"Well of course."

"So, I'm going."

"And what's gonna happen here while you're there? There are still several matters the Senate has to take into discussion."

"I know, I've talked to Jar Jar, he's going to represent Naboo while I'm away."

"Are you sure that's...wise?"

"You underestimate him."

"No, no, is not that, I'm far too sure that he's...capable of doing some...things but, he's speech years ago wasn't exactly the wisest."

"Yet he was named 'Representative'."

"Right." I sat on the chair of her desk. "So, if Binks is staying, you're going alone?"

"Well." She turned around and I frowned just to realise she wants me to go with her. "You're here now."

"Okay, look, I want to, I really, really want to but what if they call me?"

"Lana we're talking about an invasion at home, I think that you are going to end up calling them."

"Such a pessimist."

"No, I'm realistic."

"You're a realistic that's a pessimist." She rolled her eyes.

"Are you coming or not? I'm sure I'll need you." I sighed.

"Fine." We walked out and I began my attempt at contacting Anakin, that I knew was at the Temple, soon enough he picked up.

"Naberrie, what's up?"

"Hey, I need you to cover me." I said as we entered the elevator to reach the landing zone for the Senators's ships and speeders. "I'm on my way to Naboo."


"I can't tell you the details yet, only that Padmé wants to investigate and I'm going with her." We walked our the elevator and started to walk up to the shiny silver ship.

"I-" He sighed. "Fine, I've got you but be careful alright?"

"I will, if anything happens, I'll call you."

"Fine." The transmission ended and we walked in the ship, I sat in the pilot's seat, Padmé in the co-pilot one and 3PO behind me. Anakin gave him to me but, I figured that he could work with Padmé too, he speaks almost every language so, he has been very useful on this side, although he's with me whenever I'm not working.

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