49: Brain Invaders

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  In no time, after Adi called our friends, the ships arrived. A special one where Luminara, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Barriss were to take Poggle to a cruiser and a separate ship and another one that's slightly smaller, in that one were the medical droids that said they'd heal me at the medical wing but for now they just gave me a sling for my shoulder, that eased the pain a bit.

"I'm glad to see you're all alright." Said Kenobi as soon as he saw us. "But I'm afraid we have a problem."

"Don't we always?" Anakin said and I chuckled as Snips placed herself in between said guy and me.

"We've just received a distress signal from our forces on Dantooine." He started and I frowned. "Master Windu's defences held but at a great cost to his men, they need medical supplies immediately. We can obtain these supplies at the medical station near Ord Cestus."

"We're delivering Poggle to Coruscant and Cestus is not exactly on the way."

"The Republic must begin debriefing Poggle right away if we're to get useful intelligence from him." Said Adi and Luminara nodded in agreement.

"Master." Anakin turned to Unduli. "I suggest we let our Padawans handle the supply mission." He placed his hands on both Ahsoka and Barriss's shoulders excitedly, causing me to smile.

"Whatever needs to be done Master." Said Snips. "I'm happy to help."

"As am I." Barriss added.

"Very well." Said Kenobi. "It's decided then. Take a medical frigate and after we've delivered Poggle to Coruscant, we'll rendezvous with you for the voyage to Dantooine." As soon as he spoke, he walked away with Adi and Luminara. Anakin stayed behind for a moment.

"I'll go with them." I commented to him, his eyes went from our Padawan to me.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'll rest on the ship and as soon as we get to the medical station and while we wait for you lot, I'll get my shoulder and ribcage checked up and will be fine to help everyone out at Dantooine." He smiled and then, our attention snapped at the horizon. I felt it too, something...odd but I couldn't tell what was it. "Anyways." His blue eyes came back to me and we started to walk towards the separate ship to get going. "Few members of my squad will come with us and I'll keep an eye on the kids."

"I didn't expect to hear those words leave your lips Smarty." We chuckled. "At least not yet."

"That makes two."

"You'd do anything to get off this planet."

"Now you're catching up." We chuckled again as we walked up to the ship, the girls were talking vividly by the entrance.

  I clicked the communicator that's on the left glove of the arm that's injured, in no time, Wolffe piked up. "Commander, send a few members of the Pack to my position would you?"

"Yes ma'am, how many?" He asked.

"I don't know, just send a small squad, we're just escorting the Padawans to a Med Station. I want you to go with Skywalker's forces to deliver Poggle at Coruscant, the rest of the Generals will be there too."

"Alright ma'am, few Wolves should be reaching your position any minute now."

"Thank you Wolffe, see you in a while."

"Copy that General." The communication ended and I breathed in, it hurt a bit, I hate broken ribs.

  I saw the small squad approaching and I sighed as Obi-Wan waved at Anakin to go with him.

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