love (33)

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At lunch you felt totally upset. You were excited to see Jotaro today, even so you got up earlier to look nicer. You felt like your stomach had been punched a million times in a row. You really thought you and Jotaro had chemistry. He kissed you. How could he do this to you? Was he trying to make you jealous? If that's the game he was playing, you could play it right back.

And you knew exactly how.

"Hey Nicola... May I sit with you?" You smile softly as you look down at him sitting at the bench. He holds a sandwich in his hand, a book lays open on the table beside his lunch box. He looks up at you on awe and nods slowly.

"Of course, Y/n." He grins slowly and blushes softly. You grin and sit across from him and place your lunch box down.

"What are you reading?" You speak as you open your lunch box. Nicola stares at you with his mouth slightly open.

"Uhh... Oh.. Um.. I'm reading my history textbook." He gulps and places his sandwich down on his lunch box. You look at him and notice he's blushing. You tilt your head a little.

"Are you alright?" You blink. He looks at you and pauses for a second.

"Oh- Yeah... I'm sorry... You just look really pretty." He brings his hand behind his neck and rubs it. You sit up nicely and giggle a little bit.

"That's so nice of you to say. Thank you." You admire him a little. Nicola was very nice, he was such a sweet boy, but you just didn't feel attracted to him very much. Maybe in a friend way, but not a boyfriend way. He was just a little too weird for your liking.

He nods a little and looks down at his book. You pick up an apple slice from your lunch box and take a bite, only to hear the cackling sounds of Elena who had just entered the courtyard. You turn your head and look over and see her with Jotaro. They walk to a bench and sit. You see Jotaro glance over at you slightly. You gulp and look back at Nicola.

"Hey Nicola?" You speak softly. He lifts his head and looks at you, raising his eyebrows.

"What do you think of Elena Martino?" You bite your apple slice again and chew quietly. He blinks a little and looks around a bit.

"Oh, that blonde girl?" He points a bit and looks back at you. You nod. He shrugs a little.

"She's okay. Why?" He keeps his eyes on you. You shrug a little bit too.

"Just wondering..." You mumble and swallow your food. He stares at you for a moment and you grin and continue to eat.


After lunch you say goodbye to Nicola and head to class, which was bio.

You walk into the classroom after stopping at your locker and begin to walk to your seat. You used to like this class but ever since Elena joined you haven't enjoyed it very much.

Once you enter the classroom, you are met by a bitch who hasn't bothered you in a while.


"Hey y/n... I like your hair today, it's pretty." She grins. You give her a stare and raise an eyebrow.

"Sure... thanks..." You mumble as you walk to your seat. You hear her scoff quietly as you walk.

"Why so rude? I gave you a compliment." She places her hand on her hip and watches you. You place your bag down and sit down in your seat.

"Oh gee, maybe it's because you're being totally fake and used to bully me all the time?" You tilt your head. She gulps and gives you a nervous stare back. You smile and then cross your arms and lean back in your seat. You turn your head and look out the window once you see Jotaro and Elena walk in. You hear Trina and Elena beginning to quietly and nicely talk to each-other and Jotaro makes his way to his desk and sits in front of you. You gulp and feel your eyes become watery yet they are stinging. You feel so upset that Elena would just randomly swoop in and take your only crush away from you. You're not surprised, he is really good looking and is the tallest in the school and Elena is really pretty. Maybe he lied to you when he said he didn't like her. But then again, it wouldn't make sense for him to lie and then be blatantly close with her at school.

"Hello?" You hear a deep mumble from in front of you. You turn your head and glance over and see Jotaro sitting in his seat but his body is turned and he's looking back at you. Your eyes are glossed over, watery, red. You feel the pressure of the built up tears form in your sinuses, and it's beginning to give you a headache.

"Huh?" You say slightly confused, brows raised. He scans your face and squints a little.

"I was asking you a question for like 10 seconds and you weren't paying attention..." He kind of tilts his head. There's no aggression in his tone at the moment.

"Oh... I'm sorry." You say quietly and look down a bit and fix your skirt. Jotaro watches you for a few seconds and your eyes meet his once you lift your head again.

"Are you alright?" He mumbles deeply. You gulp as you look into his eyes. You want to look into his eyes forever. You want him to hold you in his arms and hug you so tight that you can't breathe. You want him to cuddle you to sleep and wake up next to you in the morning and snuggle you some more in the warmth of the messy bed. You want him. You want Jotaro. You love him.

You nod slowly as tears begin to well up in your eyes, making your eyesight blurry. Jotaro blinks and his expression goes quite soft as he sees the large tears in your eyes. He keeps his eyes on you and brings his hand onto your desk, palm up. You look at his hand and then back at his face. He wiggles his fingers a little bit and you instantly bring your hand up and hold his. You grip his hand with your little one, dropping your head down and covering your face with your other hand. Your hair falls down near your face. Jotaro doesn't know what's wrong with you, he doesn't know why you're crying, but this gesture of him silently comforting you even in the smallest ways hurts your heart even more since you're crying over him.

You quietly sob and let your tears fall down onto your skirt. You're tired of being the girl people picked on for not liking Jotaro and then the girl people pretended to like once you got close to him. You just wanted a simpler life. You wanted a boyfriend, maybe even a real actual friend.

Jotaro grips your hand softly with his and rubs the top of your hand with his thumb. He keeps his eyes on you for a few seconds. You sniffle and let out a sigh and wipe under your eyes carefully. You slowly lift your head and look at him while moving your hair behind your ear with your other hand. He clenches his jaw and looks you in the eyes.

"Did I mess up my makeup?" You whisper and sniffle. He scans your face with his eyes and shakes his head a little.

"No..." He whispers deeply. You swallow the lump in your throat as you maintain this passionate eye contact with him. He seems like he actually cares, like he is actually comforting you. You want to hug him so bad and just fall asleep in his arms. He made you feel safe. You look down at your hand, still squeezing his. You admire the size difference of your two hands, his were huge of course. You've noticed this before, but it's just funny every time you compare. You grin softly at this thought and look back into his eyes once again. He grins a little back.

"Excuse me?" Elena utters. You stare at him, but he finally looks away. He looks at her. He turns his head a bit more, but mostly moves his eyes to look up at her. You are annoyed again. You too look up at Elena and see her staring down at you with a slightly confused, worrisome yet angry expression on her face.

Well this was new.


AN: Hey guys! Once again, thank you for all the reads, likes and comments. I love reading the comments :) And thank you for being patient with me as well. Tough times, college and moving to a different state (lovely issues xx) But I promise i'm trying my best to keep up with the story and i'm trying hard to brainstorm juicy ideas.

Also: I made an official "Mixed" Spotify playlist for this story if you'd like to go check that out!

Enjoy :) ily


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