stand fight (18)

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"I fucking knew it." You whisper and scoff. Jotaro furrows his eyebrows and pulls his hand back, bringing it near his face and looking at it. He widens his eyes a little bit.

"I was just going to tell you Jotaro, earlier today I overheard Lucas saying he has a stand.. and he wants to attack you. His friend might have a stand too." You speak quietly so nobody else hears. Jotaros eyes go dead pissed. You jump back a little as he brings out Star Platinum. With a loud "Ora!", Star Platinum grabs the leech and yanks it off of Jotaro's hand. He tosses it in the air and punches it away.

"What does this kind of leech stand even do?" You say nervously, hoping he'll have any ideas. He inspects the area where the leech was and rubs his hand.

"I don't know, but there's no way it only sucks blood..." He huffs. He begins to walk again, you walk beside him. He puts his hands in his pockets and walks quietly, seeming to be thinking.

You both walk far enough away to not be near anyone from the school, you talk normally now.

"Did he not use his stand on you at the party?" You look up at him. He takes his hand out of his pocket and brings it up to his hat.

"No, not that I noticed anyway." He fixes his hat. You look at his hand and gasp.

"Jotaro! Your hand is blue!" You point at it. He huffs and looks at his hand, the area where the leech was seems to be getting infected by some kind of poison. Neither of you know what is going on.

"Seems like it's already taking affect, how nice." You both hear his voice behind you. You both turn around and see Lucas about 10 feet away from you, slowly walking towards you.

"It's cute that you two have some kind of relationship going on... But it's unfortunate that both of you have to die... I was only planning on killing one of you." He cracks his knuckles. Jotaro stares at him with cold dark eyes. You feel scared.

"What does your stand do, Lucas?" Jotaro speaks deeply in an aggressive angry tone. Lucas crosses his arms a chuckles.

"Once the leech bites, your blood will continue to clot until your entire body shuts down from the loss of blood flow... Or you could call it...pulmonary embolus." He looks at his watch. Jotaro gulps a bit but remains calm. You widen your eye and look at Jotaro. Blood clots? You start to feel your heart pounding in your chest.

"I've heard your stand it quite powerful, Jotaro, but unfortunately you can't fight this one with just a punch..." He smirks. Jotaro still remains calm, standing still like nothing has happened.

"If you fix my hand, I'll spare your life, otherwise... I can't make any promises to keep you alive." Jotaro clenches his fist and stares at him. Lucas snickers a bit.

"Try it then..." Lucas speaks lowly. Jotaro takes out Star Platinum. You look up and slightly back up, scared for both of your lives. You have never had this happen to you before. Jotaro begins to walk towards Lucas, eyebrows furrowed. Lucas tilts his head a little and takes a step back, extending his arm out to Jotaro.

"Touch me, Jotaro..." Lucas smirks. Jotaro furrows his eyebrows. Star Platinum rushes towards Lucas, letting out a loud "Ora!" before punching Lucas in the face using his other hand. Lucas grunts and falls back onto the dirt, sliding a good 15 feet away. He lays on the ground a little bit, slowly pushing himself up, only to look up at Jotaro with a bad bloody nose and a smile on his face. Jotaro grunts and looks at his fist, 4 leeches attached to each of the knuckles on his hand. The leeches suck his blood at a pretty fast rate.

You look at Lucas and notice he's standing again, all of his facial wounds already healed. You widen your eyes and look at Jotaro. Star Platinum quickly removes the leeches, but its only a matter of time before his second hands' blood begins to clot as well. Lucas laughs at him.

"You see, Jotaro, with my stand, my leeches will attach onto whatever body part you used to touch me... Sucking your blood will heal any wounds you give me, so trying to physically wound me is pointless." He crosses his arms. Jotaro widens his eyes a little, you look at him with fead in your eyes. Does Jotaro feel confident? Does he have a plan? You begin to worry and try to think of ways you can help, but you can't see how your stand would be helpful in this kind of circumstance.

How could Jotaro defeat him without touching him? That's one of the main things his stand does. If he touches Lucas at all, his leeches will attach, and no matter how Jotaro hurts him, Lucas' leeches will heal him anyway.

Lucas laughs out loud as Jotaro's arms slowly begin to turn blue and pale. He grunts a bit and falls down on his knees, he's probably getting light headed from the lack of blood flow. You don't know what to do, you know you need to do something. You stand in front of Jotaro. Lucas stands and crosses his arms.

"Oh? How cute of you y/n... such a good girl trying to protect Jotaro.." He smirks. You gulp.

"Fix him right now, Lucas! Or I'll tell the entire school you killed him!" Your voice shakes a bit. He laughs at you trying to be brave. Lucas seems to already think he's won.

"That won't be possible if you share his same fate..." He stands and places a hand on his hip. You furrow your eyebrows and begin to walk up to him. His raises his eyebrows a little. You take your stand out and slightly liquify it, covering your entire hand with it as you ball it into a fist. He looks down at your hand, now he's a bit distracted, and you swing a hard punch across his face. He grunts and stumbles a little bit, bringing his hand to his cheek. You stare at him.

"Well... I didn't think you'd have a stand too.." He stands up slowly and looks down at you.

"Fix him... Now..." You say angrily. He bites his lip a little.

"Well aren't you a feisty little girl?" He says before quickly starting to swing his hand up to slap you. It seems like slow motion when you move your stand onto your forearm, bringing your arm up in the air blocking his hand from slapping you. He grunts as his hand seems to be stuck in mid air, he can't move it since your stand is blocking the area he was going to hit. You move some of your stand onto your other fist and swing another punch at his face. He stumbles over, but that isn't enough for you. You cover your foot in your stand and kick him in the stomach, causing him to fall onto the ground with a grunt. As he's on the ground, you check your hands. No leeches.

It was a wild card call and slightly a guess, but you remember when Jotaro threw a pen at you and you blocked it in mid air from hitting you. You felt that if you covered your body parts with your stand, it would act as air amor, preventing you from actually touching him but still having affect when going to attack. You weren't sure if it would work, but it did. You stare down at him and take a step back as you make your stand super tiny and crawl into his ear. He looks up at you with an angry face.

"Fix him... Now.." You say angrily once more. He chuckles a little and looks up at you.

"Not gonna happen, princess..." He smiles. You furrow your eyebrows and start to make your stand send a very loud piercing sound into his ear drums. He yells out and covers his ears. He rolls on the ground a little bit. In the moment he's disoriented, you bring your stand back out and cover your legs with it. You begin to kick him in the stomach over and over again, he grunts out in pain. You weren't great at punching, but your kicks were solid.

"Fix him!!" You scream and kick him in the face over and over. Your blood boils and the adrenaline takes over you. Knowing you have this power over him makes you feel alive. He can't attach his leeches to you, so you have the advantage. You hate Lucas. You hate Lucas.

Lucas yells and puts his hands out.

"Okay! Okay!" He speaks loudly from his slight hearing loss. He puts his hands up. You look down at him and see his nose and mouth are both bleeding. You scoff at him slightly. Lucas grunts and snaps his fingers. You hear Jotaro let out a groan. You breathe heavily, your hair slightly messy and your stand still covering your legs. You huff heavily from being out of breath and fix your uniform.

"Don't... Fuck with us.. ever again.." You speaks angrily at him. You walk back over to Jotaro who is sitting on the ground. His arms are slowly starting to turn back to a normal color. Both of his arms and some of his neck were blue. You may have just fixed him in the nick of time.

First stand fight, and hopefully your last.


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now