bathroom (7)

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You take a towel and begin to wipe the bean sauce off your thighs and arms. You take off your clothes, including your bra, and begin to wipe the sauce off the top of your breasts and chest. You sigh, you're going to smell like beans now.

You clean yourself up as best as you can and put your bra back on. You put on Jotaro's shirt and look in the mirror. The shirt goes down to your knees. You blink a few times and furrow your eyebrows. You look at the shorts he got you. You widen your eyes as you see a pair of small boxers.

"Jotaro!" You yell from the bathroom. You huff and go to the bathroom door and opens it, only to see Jotaro standing there already. You gasp a little, not expecting him to be there and tilt your head back to look up at him.

"What?" He raises a brow and looks down at you. You open your mouth a bit and blush.

"Uh... You.. gave me boxers.." You hold them up slowly. He looks at them with his eyes and then back at your face.

"Do those look like they'd fit me?" He tilts his head and puts his hands in his pockets. You gulp and look at the boxers and then at his body. His t shirt hugs his body perfectly, lightly outlining his abs.

"No..." You say softly but slightly confused.

"Those are old boxers from when I was like 13, they are washed, it's all I have." He says is a bored tone. You bite your inner cheek.

"Your mom doesn't have anything?" You look up at him again. He furrows his eyebrows and leans over a bit.

"I'm not going to go through my moms drawers..." He speaks deeply. You look into his eyes and gulp hard.

"No?... I feel like you're the type who would." You smirk, again fucking with him. He stands back up straight and gives you a glare.

"What does that mean?" He raises a brow, giving you a grim frown.

"Oh you know... that you're a pervert." You kind of give him a cocky grin and turn, giving him your shoulder. He stares down at you and takes a step into the bathroom. You turn towards him again and widen your eyes a bit, looking up at him.

"You know you're still in my house, right?" He speaks lowly. You take a slight step back.

"Yes... What about it?" You grip the boxers in your hands. He tilts his head and leans down, getting eye level with you.

"And you're wearing my shirt." He looks at you. You make a disgusted face. Why is he so close to you?

"Jotaro, please... Personal space..." You turn your cheek. He places his hand on your chest and pushes you against the wall. You gasp softly, clutching the boxers with your hands. He brings his lips near your face.

"Oh... Now you're scared, huh?... What happened to cocky little ms y/n? Where'd she go?" He brushes his lips against your skin. You wince and try to turn away more from him, closing your eyes.

"Your hearts' beating fast... I think you like me." He whispers deeply. You open your eyes and face him now, faces close together.

"I do not." You say seriously.

"There she is." He whispers and smiles, showing his teeth. You stare widely into his eyes, never seeing this side of him before, never even seeing him smile before. It was wildly unnerving but really attractive. He removes his hand from your chest and stands back up straight, looking down at you and shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Quit complaining... it pisses me off..." He scolds quietly. He then turns and walks out of the bathroom, using Star Platinum to close the door. You stand breathing heavily, trying to process what just happened.

You put the boxer shorts on and fix up your hair. You're a bit flustered. You begin to feel like you're having mixed emotions about Jotaro. You hate him, you hate his attitude, his rudeness, but you find him so hot. You never noticed it before, but now you find him irresistibly sexy that you can't help but blush whenever he makes eye contact with you now.

You missed when you never talked to him, when he never noticed you, it was better that way. Now it's going to be hard to hide the fact that you find him hot. Whenever he looks at you or talks to you, you blush. It makes everything so obvious even though you hate him.

You walk out of the bathroom when you're done changing and walk towards Jotaro's room. You can hear him talking to Joseph in the kitchen, so you decide to go into his room. You make sure to stay quiet as you enter, making sure to not make any loud sounds. You close the door a bit and walk over to his book shelf near his desk. You look at the books he has, most of them being about Sea animals. You never knew he actually really liked marine biology.

You look around his room, budding your nose into his personal shit. You didn't really care to be honest, everyone has their own possessions and secrets. You go up to his desk and sees he has a mini cork board with some pictures on it. You see a polaroid group photo of him and Joseph with 3 other men and a dog. You scan the photo and giggle a little. Looks like some cool trip.

"Y/N! Come to the kitchen for dessert!" You hear Joseph yell. You gulp and go to the door and open it, jogging out only to run into Jotaro, your face smooshing into his chest. You widen your eyes and look up at him, instinctive placing your hands on his chest and moving yourself back.

He stares down at you angrily, brows furrowed.

"S-sorry, Jojo." You get red and look down. His chest felt so firm with muscle yet so cushiony like a pillow. You look down and hold your hands together, ashamed you just got caught leaving his room.

"Snooping through other peoples' shit suits your personality." He says deeply. You look up at him.

"I wasn't snooping I swear." You put your hands up a little. He clenches his jaw and shakes his head a little and walks away, towards the kitchen. You sigh and rub your neck, walking behind him. You glance at his ass as he walks. You bite your inner cheek and raise your brows a bit.


You think to yourself.

"I hope you like homemade apple crisp, Y/N." Joseph says as he stands in the kitchen. You smile at him but furrow your brows a bit.

"I don't think I've ever had it before." You follow behind Jotaro. You feel a little embarrassed wearing this shirt that fits you like a really loose dress. You stand beside Jotaro

"It's amazing! I live in America and come here often to visit, and this is what I bring back with me. A recipe." Joseph smile and begins to put some Apple Crisp on a plate with some vanilla ice cream for you. You take the plate and look at it.

"Well it looks and smell delicious." You giggle. Jotaro gets himself a plate and begins to eat it. He walks to the living room and sits on the couch. You get a fork and take a bite of the apple crisp. It was absolutely amazing. The apple cinnamon taste combined with the crispness and gooeyness of it being warm melted in your mouth deliciously. You widen your eyes and look at Joseph. He laughs a little as he sees your reaction.

"This is so... Delicious Joseph." You smile and eat more.

"Thank you! Have as much as you'd like." He smiles happily.


Around 7pm, you decided it was time to leave. You thanked Joseph and Holly for everything and told Joseph you hoped to see him again. It was true, you really liked him.

You carry your dirty clothes in a bag Holly gave to you and begin to walk home.

What a strange night this turned into.


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now