Eleanor finally pushed him to the ground and ran off without saying a word. Dorian looked up, only catching a navy blue blur.

"Ellie!" Gabriela called out to her, but she kept running.

Dorian had gotten back to his feet; he rubbing the dirt off of his clothes.

"Look what you did!" Gabriela yelled, pushing him.

Dorian didn't fall this time. He quickly brushed off the arm Gabriela pushed.

"What I did!?" He said in disbelief.

"You hurt her feelings!!" Gabriela yelled back, her frilly pink skirt flailing as she stopped her foot at him.

Dorian stared at her with a stunned expression.

"I can't believe you." Gabriela said with disappointment etched on her features.

She then tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder and jogged off.


"Ellie!" Gabriela called out.

She had run in the general direction she saw her go, asking students in the hallways if they saw a green-girl go by.

Gabriela had found her behind a large tree. There was a pile of bobby-pins and hairpieces beside her.

Gabriela pushed the pile aside and sat down next to her. She adjusted her skirt and put a hand on Eleanor's back

"Ellie, are you okay?" She asked softly.

"Define 'okay'." Eleanor said with her head on her knees.

Being 'okay' doesn't mean all your worrying thoughts crashing over your head like a cold bucket of ice water, she thought.

"Ellie, it's alright." Gabriela said, trying to be comforting.

She got a notification on her phone. An alarm, to be exact.

"What was that for?" Eleanor asked, her voice muffled by the fabric of her long skirt.

"Family Day!" Gabriela yelled, hopping up so she was sitting on her knees.

"What's so exciting?" Eleanor asked, looking up at her.

Gabriela gasped; Eleanor had long red streaks down her face, sticking out against her green skin, and blood in some spots.

"What happened?" Gabriela asked with worry in her voice.

"I'm allergic to water. Remember?" Eleanor said, dabbing some of the water off with her sleeve.

"Never mind that," Gabriela said, still worried, "we need to get ready for Family Day."

"Fairy Godmother already had us do a video call." Eleanor told her, still patting away tears.

"Yes, but there's a party!" Gabriela said happily.

"You're kidding." Eleanor said with an annoyed look on her face, rubbing her damp sleeve against her skirt.

"Nope," Gabriela said, grabbing Eleanor's hands and pulling her to her feet, "and I already have your dress!"

"You're kidding!" Eleanor said again, this time with more annoyance.

"Nope," Gabriela repeated,"Evie gave it to me to give to you!"

"Of course she did." Eleanor said in defeat.

"Yep, now come on!" Gabriela started walking to her dorm room and pulled Eleanor along for the ride.

"We're going to need to do your hair. Ooh, you can wear a pair of my high heals!" Gabriela said, turning to Eleanor.

"What size shoe do you wear?" Gabriela asked.

"I'm not wearing high heals." Eleanor said plainly.

"Fine!" Gabriela responded with a huff, "But you're letting me do your hair."

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