Goofy goobers drunk

Start from the beginning

Leviathan: this chest, holds the location of an ancient land. Where all Titans hail from. Inside lies the most powerful artifact you might never see again

Leviathan puts it on a pillow in the center of the plain

Leviathan: it is up to you to safe guard it until the next full moon

While his back is turned, Plankton peeks out from behind the chest, snickering evilly

Leviathan: because it is crucial that the prince obtains this item

Fini: are ya sure? I dunno if we can do this. I mean I literally just got here this morning

Lino: we can handle it. We've ruled the seas for centuries

Leviathan: which is why this task is very important (holds up empty pillow) this chest is very valuable. If anything happened to it, the thief will regret it

Fini:'d ya make the chest invisible?

Leviathan looks to the empty pillow

Leviathan: what the?! The chest!

He let sour a scream that was more of a mournful whale call

Leviathan: someone has stolen the chest!

We see plankton leaving with the chest

We see plankton leaving with the chest

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Plankton: I got it! I got it!

He flies past Goofy Goober's Ice Cream Party Boat, which we get a view of inside.

The bar is filled with people eating ice cream

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The bar is filled with people eating ice cream. Suddenly, a Goofy Goober Clock speaks

Goofy Goober Clock: Hey, all you Goobers, it's time to say howdy to your favorite undersea peanut, Goofy Goober!

The kids cheer as goofy goober makes his entrance

The kids cheer as goofy goober makes his entrance

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