Moving Day

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*sarahs POV*

Hiyaa. My name is Sarah Riley and my life kinda sucks. Let's start from the beginning:

When I was 8 years old my parents left the house and never came back. A week later, they were found dead. I thought my life couldn't have been any worse.

My parents requested for me and my brother, Jack, to live with my Aunt and Uncle in case of any emergency. Before my parents died, my aunt and uncle were always kind and generous to us. When we moved in, they abused us. They made me and Jack do all the house work, buy all the groceries, cook all the food, etc. They just sat on the couch drinking all day long, yelling at us and beating us.

I was constantly bullied at school. My brother was the only person I had left, until he had to start college. Around the same time, my aunt and uncle didn't want to live in New York anymore, so they decided to move all the way across the country to California.

So here I am currently, on a plane on my way my new 'home' I guess you could say. I didn't even get to say any goodbye's to my friends.

Hopefully California won't be too bad. Its a whole new life. Warm, sunny winters instead of the below zero temperature's at New York. Beaches instead of skyscrapers. It's going to be a hard adjustment.


When we landed, we had to drive another two hours to get to Palo Alto, CA. (Where I am going to live)

We finally got to our new house (and I must say, it was quite nice) and started getting situated. Let me rephrase, I started to unpack and all that, while my aunt and uncle were just standing around drinking.

"SARAH! Get over here now! Grab some paper towels! Hurry up, jeez! How does it take someone so long to do a simple task????" My Aunt yells.

Ok jeez. Just give me a second to clone myself! *Grayson vine reference*
I search for the box with paper towels and quickly grab a roll and toss it too my Aunt, who "surprisingly" spilled her drink.

"Aunt Lisa? May I please meet the new neighbors? Their my age and I want to meet some people before school starts! I promise to be back home in time to cook dinner and finish unpacking! Please!?" I pleaded. Ever since my uncle told me that there were some kids my age that lived in the neighborhood, I have been dying to meet them.

"Whatever, leave. We don't even care, as long as you make dinner by 6." My aunt said back. I have 3 hours to socialize with my -hopefully- nice neighbors.

I try to make myself look presentable. It was super hot out so I threw on a floral crop top and paired it with some
high-waisted white shorts, straightened my long, brown hair, put on some make up then threw on some gray vans to put it all together. I grabbed my phone then walked out the door.

There were already a few girls that looked my age, around 14/15 years old near my driveway, so I walked over to them and greeted them.

'Hi! I'm your new neighbor, Sarah," oh god. I sound so stupid. Obviously I'm their new neighbor.

"Hey!" An extremely pretty girl with wavy brown hair said. "Nice to meet you! My names Victoria. I was so excited when I heard someone was moving in, I'll show you around if you want!" She exclaimed. This doesn't seem too bad, she seems really sweet and not 'fake'.

"Yeah we would be more than happy to show you around! I'm Alyssa, and this is Lily and Allie." A nice blonde said as she pointed to two girls right beside her.

"Sure! That sounds great! I just have to be home by 6. Nice to meet you guys!" I responded to them.

"Ok let's get going then, there is a lot to talk about" Lily laughed a little. "But tell us about you first!"

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