Hey guys James here canceled

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Idk why I did that anyways hi besties it's me I'm back in school to bother everything and everyone up I have big fat problems. So I'm in Trimonthly week rn. If u don't know what that s it's like big ass exams that happen every 3 months of all the subjects that we have in order to test our knowledge for the lessons f the past 3 months. Cuz apparently weekly or monthly exams aren't enough to determine I'm dumb as shit. But this things r like huge and hold a lot of grade and if u fail ur kinda dumb aka me for the past 3 years but like aight. Yesterday I had algebra, starting off with wanting to murdernus and today I'm having civics. This things go on for 2 damn whole weeks. So by the end of the week it'll only had just started. I'm already tired as shit and tmr I have trigonometry and I will fucking die bc no one has a clue abt what the exam will be abt. The teacher is known to teach shit for 3 days and then o the day from the exam is so thing o pleitos different like bitch u said we were gonna do this and like "no bc I'm  baddie w my triangles de mierda 😍🤪" like bro i bet today we will do a quick rundown about how it will be about the hypotenuse or sum like that and then we will only do angles I bet ur ass on that. And also mine bc honestly tus obvious that's gonna happen. 

Also a lil sum uh I went to the hairdresser bc my dad forced me (I'll give contact after this paragraph) AND THEY FUCKED UP KY HAIR SO BAD I LOOK LIKE IF WILL FROM STRANGER THINGS BECAME A LESBIAN WITH LONG HAIR PLEASE SMEONE HELP ME. Like dude dead's it looks so bad I was starting to like my hair but my dad was like "let's get it cut 🤪🤪🤪" bc he's an asshole and thinks his way is better than what I, the owner of the mf hair says bc "I'm a 16 year old uterus holder who can't make any despisions about fucking hair" 🧍 like sir ur in ur damn 60s worry about ur testicles not working anymore or sum idk let me live damnit my hair was perfect before you forced me to ruin it and hate myself once again. LIKE FCK THIS IT LOOKS LIKE A DAMN BOWL CUT GONE WRONG. Like I've been to this hair dresser for the past damn 4 years or so and this is the worst  one yet. Like here's the thing, they try to satisfy both my dad and I for what e want for MY hair. And me and my dads visions are completely different. Like that's exactly why it took so long for EVRYONE in the damn salon to cut my hair short like I wanted bc they all wanted to follow my dads orders. It wasn't until I fucking did it myself and cut it all off looking bald as shit that they let me have it like that and cut it how I wanted to, probably so I wouldn't do it again. But bitch I ain't scared, I'll cut my hair as much as I want to. I did tried to fix it by cutting it and it worked on the sides but my bangs? GOD FUKINGN DAMNIT I LOOK ORRBKE MY BANGS ARE WAY TO SHORT AND I AM ABSOLUTELY DONE WITH LIFE THATS THE WORST PART OF ALL. And at the end they had the audacity to say "oh I did it so ur dad would be satisfied and happy it's your hair?" How about you tell him to go get some bitches instead damnit how hard is it to ask me how I want it? How short or long I want it? It's my hair not his. If he wants short hair then good for him and his bald spot hairy ass but I want it how I want it because and I cannot stretch this enough ITS MY DAMN HAIR, ITS MINE AND NOT HIS . I may be his sperm but I'm my own damn person holy shit. Then again I wanna go to a new hairdresser but welp, I don't trust anyone in Latin America doing short hair on someone with a uterus. They end up fucking it up on purpose I tell you. I wanna go somewhere else but bitch how tf. I wanna do t by myself but most if the work is on the back of my head and I can't see that so maybe I'll ask Noah for help idk but like HGUHHHHHGGG IMMA PUKE

Ok explaination here, I normally go to the hair salon to get my hair fixed every 2 months, but it had only been a month since I went, main,y bc my dad wants to "fix" my hair when it still want time. Like look, I even wanted to wait a lil longer so my hair could grow it a bit more so it's easier to work with. Doing a whole ass new hairstyle to someone who had a pixie cut for the past 3 years really is hard, they need to grow it it a good length before working on it completely. It's a difficult complex process. You can't just jump right in to have a new hairstyle. I've been growing it out for fucking months now and this ruined the whole thing I hate it si much. But my dad I an impatient piece of shit who already hates everything abiut me and how i look. It doesn't matter what I o or how I look or what I wear he always hates it. I'm not saying I'm tryna plead him cuz I'm not but it's so fucking annoying LIKE SIR IM UR ONLY FUCKING KID WHAT IS WRING W YOU. 

I hate myself so much rn I wanna just hide away fir the next 2 months before I try to work on y hair myself, or o with someone that listens to me and to me only. You know what? Next time I go to the hairdresser I'm gonna make Noah  take me. Maybe he can order us an Uber with the rest of my friends and we can go cuz idc anymore I just don't want my parents do be a part of it anymore. My mom hasn't done anything wrong she likes how I envision my hair but she will tell my dad and then he'll try to control it. I'm 2 years from being a legal adult in my country and I know what I'm doing, plus I'm a teenager and we do crazy ass things and get our asses beats for it and so what? I I turn up home one day with the hair I want that will be my business, and mine only. They can scold me all they want, especially my dad but I've learnt thanks to years of experience and therapy not to give a flying FUCK. 

I'll tell this to Noah later like I wanna tell him in person cuz it's easier yknow? And I know he may see this but he barely checks this boo so idc Noah if ur reading this then good u know abt this now but I would still like to talk to u irl abt the plan. Anyways yeah.

I forgot to give info but I want something sort of like a wolf cut w thin bangs. Like not y whole forehead covered in hair but something exquisite. It's not long enough to to achieve what I want, and I'll grow it out as it I from now with no modifications whatsoever for like 3 months tops and then I'll plan w Noah ti go cut it off. I'll bring the money, I'll pay I have plenty bc of my birthday money I'll be able to pay.

Ngl hairdresser do charge more for women, especially w short hair. Like I know I have the tightest wettest coochie you've ever seen by damn u really don't need to charge me more than you should bc I want hair shorter than u normally see on the streets. Morras típicas de *insert city I live in *

Anyways I've decided that my plan will be: grow my hair out for about 3 months, if my dad wants me to get a haircut in any of those months I'll just break my ass telling him no. In the meantime I'll plan something with Noah, maybe go to this hair salon in the mall. Maybe if I see it's safe I'll tell my mom my plan, but only if she doesn't tell my dad. Hopefully she won't. But if that fails I'll see myself only telling Noah, and maybe other friends too, but idk since I don't want to get them in trouble.

But yeah anyways bye I'm tired lol

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