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Hi besties it's Astro here one more day of me rambling about nothing instead of updating any other book 😍 I love being lazy. Ok so update on yesterday me and my mom went shopping and it was very fun although my mom kept encountering many of her old friends she hasnt seen since she was a fetus or sum. 

Lmao anyway I bought some clothes that will make me look either like I'm murdering someone's parents, or murdering someone's parents while lookin professional. And I also bought one of those long skirts that make you feel alive again lmao. Like it's flowy but tight at the waist it's perfect. 

Anyway today is Friday and I can't wait to go home and just draw I've been wanting to draw so bad since before yesterday and I couldn't bc I had stuff to do in th afternoon. But then again I have to bathe my dog but ehhh she does need a shower it's only been a week and somehow she's already dirty. Damnit Felicia (yes that's my dogs name)

So like basically th store my mom works at is now allowing pets to enter the place and well, my mom obviously wants my dog to come, oh and also me too xd. Since this one famous influencer chihuahua that is lik famous for biting people is coming and being the one to cut the rope thingy to inaugurate the new rule, my mom wants my dog to look better than that dog bc she hates that other dog idk why. She's like "that dog is only famous for being a mean chihuahua 🙄 our feli is actually a nice chihuahua isn't that right my sweet little baby?" And then proceeds so compliment my dog more than she has done to me in my entire lifetime. But yeah. My dog is actually the nicest chihuahua anyone has ever met. Like everyone who comes over to my house always tell me like "yo ur dog is so nice I love her pls give her to me" and I agree this girl has never bitten anyone in her life. She just barks at strangers but once she sees that we get along w that person she loves them. 

Here is the thing, chihuahuas shouldn't be aggressive I believe. My dog is proof of that. I think that many people who adopt those dogs don't research enough about them and just see videos of angry chihuahuas and anger them on purpose to have their fun and laugh at them being stressed. No dog should be angry just because, same with cats. Dogs are supposed to not be stressed and not want to bite, especially their owners. Like my dog for example. She is a chihuahua and I've had her for 10 years, she's never bitten me or anyone in her life. You just gotta love your dog and not anger it on purpose, they can sense when it's on purpose. 

Anyway I just wanted to rant about that cause it infuriates me when a dog acts out and people play it out as "oh that's just their nature!" Shut up you're just a bad owner and by just saying that you're admitting it. 

But yes time to die cuz I have algebra and I wanna die 🤪 byeeeeee

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