
"Quinn." Pansy breaths out, standing Infront of her bestfriend.

"Pansy." Quinnly repeats, keeping a calm face and steady voice.

Pansy's eyebrows crease and I see the small bits of hope in her eyes. "I thought we were suppose to be best friends, Quinn. Out of everyone I expected better from you." My heart burns with those words, and I can't even imagine how Quinnly's feeling under that mask she wears.

It seems like Quinnly's had enough. She stands up from her seat and goes face to face with Pansy. "Fine. You wanna know Pansy? You wanna fucking know?!"

"Quinn don't." Mattheo threatens, staring right at her from behind Pansy.

"Shut up Mattheo!" Pansy shouts, crossing her arms as she gives Quinnly a slow nod. "Tell me."

Quinnly's lips turn into a thin line before she goes to her wrist, wrapping her fingers around the sleeves of her robe.

And there it all goes.

She lifts her arm, show casing her death eater mark.

The blood from Pansy's face drains and she takes a step back. "You did it." Pansy's voice comes out like a whisper. "All of you gave yourselves to the dark lord."

All of us remain still. Not being able to say anything. She knows.

I see the way tears threaten to slip out of Pansy's eyes. "You're all fucking death eaters and you didn't plan to fucking tell me anything?!" Pansy shouts. The tears falling to the ground.

"I'm sorry." Quinnly whispers, a small tear rolling down her cheek. "I'm sorry Pansy." Quinnly attempts to grab Pansy's hand but Pansy jerks away.

"Don't fucking touch me. You all kept this from me. You can all go fuck yourselves!" Pansy mutters, marching out of the room.

Theodore drops to his knees, looking as emotionless as ever. His stare so blank, you'd think he's dead.

"God damn it!" Quinnly shouts, knocking down a lamp as she leaves the room.





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Word Count: 778

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