A Night In Thailand

Start from the beginning

"Lay back down Liam. You need to take it easy. Dr. Ada said you should really just be on bed rest for this part," Zayn tells me making me sit back down on the couch drapping the blanket back over me and taking the ice pack away to get a new one.

"What if I need to go to the bathroom?" I press curious to hear what he will say.

"Then I'll help you. Louis, check if he still is burning up," Zayn orders as he grabs another ice pack from the freezer and putting the old one back.

Louis puts his hand to my forehead. I try to squirm away not wanting the boys hovering, but the glare from Zayn stops me.

"He's still pretty warm. Niall go get the washcloth we again," Louis barks as Zayn lifts the blanket back up and places the freezing ice pack back on my tummy making me hiss at the coolness.

"Here, Li. It's not much, but it's something," Harry says placing a tall glass of orange juice and toast on the table beside me.

I thank him and begin slowly nibbling at the toast trying to ignore the fact that all the lads are starring at me like I'm some kind of mutant. The nausea doesn't hit me like I had been expecting instead extremly painful cramps hit making me whimper.

"You're hurting again aren't you? Do you want to take some pain medication?" Zayn asks me rubbing the small of my back gently as I lean against him as he sits with me on the couch slowly nibbling at my toast.

I nod at his words as I try to eat my toast and keep the ice pack on my belly. Smiling at me Zayn takes the ice pack keeping it there himself which brings him closer to me. His fingers gently brush my tummy, his other hand running up and down my spine, his hair tickles the back of my neck and his hot breath sends chills down my spine as he places small quick kisses down the side of my neck to my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I ask him my cheeks going red seeing as all the other boys are in the room, they aren't staring at us, but they are giving us cheeky glances over their shoulders.

"Just eat your toast," he whispers in my ear placing his head back on my shoulder.

I don't protest. Instead I finish up eating and push the food away. I lean back into Zayn wanting to lay out fully on the couch so my stomach isn't so tight. He leans back with me letting me rest my head on his chest his arms wrapped around his fingers gently pressing on my belly massgaing my more sensitive areas. The warmth of his body, and his soothing touch puts me right back to sleep in the safety of his arms.


The rest of the tour goes off without a fitch. Management lets me sit out that week of concerts after I spent the show they had made me go to sitting down on the stage in severe pain. It ended up being a trending topic and made a lot of people angry when they found out management wouldn't let me sit out. At the uprise and assult from celeberties, fans, critics, medical proffesionals, the lads families (especially my own and Zayn's) and the crew they didn't have much of a choice.

That week had been hell, but the boys helped me through it the best they could and made me as comfortable as one can be when going through that in a hotel room or on a tour bus.

Now with our newest album FOUR hitting the shelves the question of our next tour has hit the media and we have been putting the word of our album out there the best we can. Which is a lot easier with me now being back on my feet and finally done with my stupid transition.

Every interview that we have done after the tour and for the new album I am always asksed something about my Carrier "condition". I always answer honestly and try to be polite even when some of the questions are rude and when they are the lads always have a flip out jumping to my defense.

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