Chapter 8- Pity Party

Start from the beginning

"Big brother was always there to listen to me when I was scared, and I know you two are coworkers and do not share that kind of relationship but-" she looked down at the ground in a rather sad manner.

In a sigh of defeat Y\N turned the stove top heat to low. "Finish cooking up here." She said in a quiet voice. "You don't mind do you? I don't like seeing her melancholic." Y\N looked up at Viktor.

"I have nothing better to do."

"Thank you!" Anastasia ushered the two out of the kitchen so she could finish making dinner for them all.


Silence rang in the air. Viktor was not the most welcoming looking, he was much bigger than Y\N and had an uncaring demeanor making it difficult to start a normal conversation with him let alone tell him about the misfortune that fell upon her. Y\N shifted slightly on the couch, feeling uncomfortable under the pressure to speak but not knowing what to say.

"What happened to your wrists?"

The sudden question blind sided Y\N. The tone was flat, having no trace of interest laced to it but the fact Viktor was probably getting annoyed with the suffocating stillness made Y\N feel guilty. The fact someone such as him even noticed how scars appeared since the last time they saw each other was enough to make her shrink in her spot.

"Um, handcuffs." Y\N blushed. "I was strapped to.. a bed." She kept her eyes trained to the floor in fear of meeting his.

A silence had began to settle again between the two, forcing the words out was a difficult process but by Gods name Y\N did not want to go back to sitting in a noiseless and awkward room with the only words said being she was handcuffed.

"I didn't consent." Y\N added softly. Instantly she wished that she didn't say anything as the silence was clinging to every second and Y\N has no idea what Viktor was thinking.

"I was forcibly.. well there is no other word for it. I was raped in France after being kidnapped from Oliver's house." Y\N added and to her surprise Viktor looked over to her. His crimson eyes meeting her E\C hues.

"Oliver called me yesterday afternoon saying Francois was greedy and took you from him so it was uncertain when you would arrive to Russia." He paused. "It is safe to assume Francois was the one that did it?"

Y\N looked down, tears welling up in her eyes. "Yes." She mumbled, droplets cascading down her face. "I am terribly sorry to have gotten you involved in this and having you sit here listening to me being a crybaby." Y\N trembled where she sat, embarrassment overtaking all other emotions.

"Y\N, do not take it to heart." Viktor stood and moved to stand in front of her. "We all know he is a selfish bastard but there is nothing we can do about it." He crouched down and rised a hand to lift Y\N's chin. "Cry all you need. It is an important step in healing." And with that he left to go to the kitchen having heard enough.

Y\N sat stunned. Not only did he give advice but the way he touched her was so gentle. Y\N could feel a wave of calmness wash over her. She continued to sit for a little longer, not quite ready to put up a facade of happiness. This incident will take time to truly get over, or at least enough to where she can look Francois in the eyes again and not want to strangle him.


The three sat at the table eating and talking. Y\N barely touched her food, the traumatic events that took place at Oliver's house was enough to scare her away from eating anything that she didn't make or witness being made.

"Is it not to your liking?" Anastasia tilted her head.

"Ah, no it's delicious." Y\N forced a smile. "I just don't have an appetite at the moment."

"I see." Anastasia's smile faded slightly as she looked over at Viktor. "What did you do to her to cause her not to be hungry!?" She barked.

Y\N knew she was trying to look scary but the way her cheeks puffed up and the brightness of her wide eyes made Anastasia look adorable, like a chipmunk.

"Why are you blaming me?" He sat back in his chair.

"It's not his fault Ana." Y\N's eyes flickered between the two.

"Then what is wrong? You need to eat! I'm getting worried..." A softness entered Anastasia's voice.

A stillness settled around them as her amethyst purple eyes stared in concern. Y\N sat in guilt. How does she exactly say what's on her mind? It was difficult just to mumble it once.

"You do not need to tell her a thing." Viktor spoke up. He shot his younger sister a glare but she didn't seem to notice as she was focused on Y\N.

"Thank you Viktor but I think I should, I just do not know how to say it." Y\N gave a small nervous laugh. "Well, um.." She hummed for a few seconds. "Ana, the reason I was stranded in France was because of an unfortunate event that took place in England actually."

Anastasia gave a small nod to signify that she was listening.

"Oliver must have drugged me, for what reason I do not know as I never got the chance to ask him. When I woke up I was in France." Y\N paused to breathe. "Francois.. he had taken me and handcuffed me to a bed. He wouldn't let me go no matter how much I pleaded with him. He did... nasty things to me. The next morning I had been freed and you were the only person who came to mind to save me. I am full of remorse for getting you tangled in this mess, I was so confused and didn't know where to go." Tears dropped down from her chin, her fingers brushing against the markings on her tender wrists.

"Y\N. You need not apologize for it, you had no control and it means the world that you thought of me." Anastasia had tears in her own eyes.

"You left out the part where Oliver drugged you when you were talking to me, but I am not surprised. He has tried to poison or drug all of us at some point." Viktor stared at Y\N. The thought of a small pastel boy trying to knock out a gloomy giant like him made her smile slightly.

"I'm sorry." She covered her mouth. "I know he does that kind of mischief but I never imagined he would try with me."

"All of us have our quirks, Oliver's is poisoning people. It's what makes him, him!" Anastasia laughed. "But know I would never do anything to harm you. Those two will surely pay for what they did to you." A hint of a growl was laced in her tone.

"No it's alright-"

"Y\N. Let her help you. If you deny her it will only drive her need to assist you more." Viktor stood from the table, taking his dishes into the kitchen.

Y\N turned to face Anastasia.  "I have a question about you guys, as countries." She said as soon as the two were alone.


"Are you as a country able to have a child?" Y\N fidgeted her hands.

"If it is with a male country yes, but sadly not with a human. If you ask this for the reason I think you are, you need not worry. You will not become pregnant." Anastasia reached over and gave Y\N's hand a squeeze of reassurance.

"Thank you."

-To Be Continued-

Author's Note-

1* Adam Mickiewic is a Polish poet.

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Bye bye!

Total Word Count- 2482

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