34: Secret Meet-ups

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All four of us sat in Miss Choi's living room, which by the way was wonderfully decorated and felt like a cozy, Christmas home. Back to the main reason for all of us being here like this, we gathered here to try putting details together to figure out a way around everything pertaining to the contract.

As it is already November 28th, and the wedding will be happening on December 15th, we basically had about two week to figure out a way out of the contract. Unfortunately, Miss Choi and Andrew contacted lawyers and were told that the only way out of such an agreement was for one of the parties to either die or for both to agree to terminate the contract altogether. In both cases, this is deemed impossible.

We were now left stumped as to what to do whilst I was busy munching on cake that she made for all of us. Nothing like having something sweet during a time where things are becoming difficult. My phone buzzed for the third time in the last few minutes and Miss Choi stared at me intently.


"Who's texting you? Besides us and your Mom, who's texting you?" she asked, eyeing me.

"No one, just random notifications," I lied. The last thing I needed to do, is to spill that I am secretly meeting him later today. I will explain myself in a bit, just not right now."

"Are you sure?" Andrew butted in. "I saw you typing earlier on and smiling."

"Commenting under a funny video. Now let's stop questioning me. How's the two of you doing?" I asked, looking at Sam and Andrew. Sam's face turned red and Andrew kept smirking.

"Were you two at it again last night? No wonder you weren't answering my calls," Miss Choi said and Soya began coughing.

"Couldn't you wait until I was done with drinking my juice to say that?"

"Sorry. I swear all of you are like raging hormonal teens."

"Wow, coming from someone who was busy drooling over a guy during her spa treatment," Andrew exposed and we all looked at her. She folded her arms, looking away from us.

A message popped up again on my phone this time from Cree, asking me a question. It was a strange one too. I replied to him before seeing another text from Blake asking when I would be coming over.

At first, I did not want to meet him especially after the incident at the supermarket and my house. 'Girl, stop lying to yourself. You kissed him back'. Gosh, you just have to remind me of that, don't you?

I pondered over it for a few days and also realised that the car was no longer showing up at my house either. It was not until one afternoon, when he called me saying that he got rid of those who wanted to harm me, that made me realise that he knew about the situation. Not sure how, but he helped me nonetheless.

I decided then to at least pay him a visit and ensure to tie my hands with an invisible string. I need to have more self -control. I also made a few of my favorite pastry goods to give to him later on when I go to visit. It is my way of thanking him for helping me.

Hopefully, I manage to slip away from the others so they do not suspect anything else and to avoid any kind of lecturing. I replied to his message before going back to finishing my cake.

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