20: The Aftermath

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Anyone seeing me standing on stage saying this would applaud, and naturally be happy for me. However, once you knew who I was your reaction would be different. Rather than receiving jeering from the audience before me, I received a mixture of clapping and whispering.

I moved to the side and watched my new subordinates introduce themselves one by one. Throughout the time, I watched their faces grow from astonishment to concern and even utter disbelief.

Indeed, I decided to take this chance in my career by joining the newly formed foundation that will oversee the progress of Fauna Dale and the entire district of Staint Valley. Giving back to those who live in uncomfortable conditions and enhancing their lives a bit.

I remember Cree first bringing this proposal to me. I also consulted my Mom for advice too. I am aware of the rivalry between the two power houses. More like a love-hate relationship between the Dankworth's and Mr. Carter's companies.

I will have no involvement in those affairs. I will simply be doing this for a short period of time and I plan to go away for some time. Visiting my relatives in England and travelling the country.

We received another round of applause and exited the stage. I went to the back entrance of the hall, going towards the garden area to wait for all of this to be finished and over with.

"Let me go! I need to speak with her. Rosie!" a voice exclaimed. Andrew came where I was, fuming in anger. The guard prevented him from going any further. Sam, Miss Choi and Soya came running in afterwards.

"Andrew, please control yourself. It's pointless doing this," Sam pleaded, trying to persuade him from going any further.

"Pointless? I'm trying to knock some sense into her. She was at home for too long. The oxygen isn't circulating right."

"Andrew! Control yourself. If you want an explanation, just ask for it," Miss Choi said. He stopped resisting the bodyguard and fixed his clothing before continuing what he had to say.

"What was that in there? Hm? Answer me, Rosie. Is this what you were planning to do? This is ludicrous. I understand not coming back to us but to him of all people? Do you not see how this looks? What about us? Did you toss us aside too?"

"Andrew. One at a time."

"Soya, stay out of this. She barely wanted to speak with any of us. This is the 'thank you' we get for ever being associated with you. Stabbed in the back. Did our memories not matter? I treated you as family. I saw you as a friend and role model. Why do this?" he asked, on the verge of tears.

I would be lying if I said I knew what to say. I did not. I chose to remain silent. I did not expect them to understand my stance. I wiped the tears dripping from my eyes and got up to go somewhere else.

"Is this what you plan to do? Run away every time you're confronted?"

"Miss Choi, don't make this worse."

"Soya, we need an answer. What Andrew said is right. You know this too. Rosie, what was that about?" Miss Choi asked calmly. Why am I having to go through this?

"Mr. Carter, what are you doing here?"

"Soya, what's going on here? All of you, return inside. The ceremony of toasts hasn't ended yet. This matter will be dealt with later. Rosie, I mean Miss Everglade, you are free to come in," he instructed. Not long after, I heard feet movements on the grass that faded as everyone headed back inside.

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