11: Rage

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Three days later, I was still in the same house. Busy cooking up something and feeling quite at peace with myself. I decided to finally put my phone on and to charge. I have not looked at it yet, but I could tell there is probably going to be plenty of messages and missed calls waiting for me.
Over the last three days, I needed time to think things through and to hopefully come to a precise decision. I was and still am angry with everyone. Especially Blake's. How could he betray me like this? Is love a word he throws around without feeling? Who knows? The fact that everyone knew about the affair is even crazier.

I cannot trust them anymore. I might as well resign and leave the two of them and everyone else alone. Live a peaceful life with my Mom. I can help her out for a while too. Maybe adopt a puppy and perhaps, move somewhere else.

Soya... I am not sure what to say. I do not think I would be able to speak to her face to face. I feel like my anger will boil up in me. How could she do this to me? This whole time, she knew this and chose to keep quiet. How did she even show up on that day? Did she know this would happen too? Just thinking about everything makes me angry.

I turned off the fire and sat down at the table, and other things crossed my mind. "Rosie, you need to relax your nerves and trust him a bit more. If you don't, or at least try to trust him and yourself, you will lose him." She told me about this when we were at the market. Trust? That is very far from it. I should not have trusted her or any of them. They made me look like a fool.

My phone started buzzing on the stand nearby. I looked at the screen and saw that it was someone else calling. It was Cree. What in the world is he calling me for? I contemplated on answering, and decided to after the third ring.

Me: "Hello, what do you want?"

Him: "Wow, what a response."

Me: If you have nothing to talk about. Hang up, I'm not in the mood."

Him: "I need to talk to you. It's been a long time. I heard you escaped your house. I came to look for you and you weren't there."

Me: "I'm in the middle of nowhere so we can talk like this."

Him: "Come on, it's been long. I want to see you at least. Please."

Somehow, he figured out the place. He nearly got attacked by Steve, till I had to stop him. There we both were seated on a bench outside, quiet for a few minutes till he cleared his throat to speak.

"I did not think a meeting like this would be awkward."

"Me neither."

"How are you?"

"Shitty. You?"

"I'm doing fine. I heard about your little incident."

"Here we go."

"Wait, wait. Don't go stay. You have to confront it at some point."

"Fine. Speak your mind."

"I think you might also need to hear this side of the story to piece everything together. It might take a while though."

It took about thirty minutes or so, and I felt just as confused as I was in the beginning. Not only did I learn some shocking things, but what was more shocking was that I really knew nothing. All this time, I was blind and following on a leash like a puppy without properly thinking about things.

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