6: Worries

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More than anything in the world, I can only see him. Andrew has changed quite a bit since the last time we spent our time together. He was always easygoing, but he has opened up to the concept of us being together and he is quite fun to be around, especially at work. It is a risk in what we do, but I find the risk thrilling.

In the beginning, I saw Andrew as someone who was responsible, but understanding and caring, quite cute and a bit clumsy sometimes, unlike Mr. Carter who was a bit intimidating and looked a bit boring. I have no idea how Rose handles him but he seems to be lighting up these days. He is still all those things, with another side to him. A side that only someone like myself could see. The sexy, seductive and inquisitive side.

We go out on more dates now. They are mostly spontaneous ones that involve doing fun things like going to the amusement park or hiking. Other times, we may simply go to a café to have coffee and sweet desserts or we may go to his home to watch movies and other things, if you know what I mean. Simply thinking about it makes me hot. Is the air conditioning even working?

I snapped out of my thoughts to see Rosie staring at me with an amused expression on her face. Did she notice me dozing off again? Last time, she teased me all day about it. She also caught us on a few occasions too. We were not doing that, but just kissing and what not.

"Sam, this is work. Stop blushing so much~" she sang, laughing at my facial expressions. I could feel the heat in my face now.

"Stop teasing me. You don't see me teasing you about Mr. Carter."

"True, but there isn't much going on with us in any case. Yet, you two have been all over each other. I'm quite impressed. It simply took a push and he went all the way. Andrew is so unpredictable."

"I suppose so. You said Mr. Carter hasn't gone that far. Why?" I asked, curious as to what the cause might be.

"It has nothing to do with him, this is more on me," she replied, seeming quite sad. She told me a bit about her past and I felt quite sad about what she had to go through. I want to help her in any way I can, but I know that things like this are not as simple as people think it is.

"Do you plan to do anything like perhaps therapy or maybe trying other ways?"

"I did therapy before for it. I don't know if I would want to do it again. I think it will pass. I just hope it isn't too late by then."

"I hope so too. I have faith in you Rose. If you need help let me know."

"Thanks, Sam."

. . .

"She is driving me insane. Put her somewhere else or fire her!"

"Miss Choi, I cannot do that."

"If you cannot do it, then I will. If you hear someone screaming whilst falling off a building, just know that, that was my doing," she replied, before grabbing a chair and pulling it to sit down. It was only the middle of the day, and for the third time this week alone, Casandra has come in to file a complaint about her secretary. Blake does not seem too surprised and is not doing much about it.

Ever since the arrival of Izzy, things around work have not been going quite well. It has only been three weeks and many people have been complaining about her including employees and the like. It is not a good image for the company right now especially, with how well we have been doing. One question keeps playing on my mind as well. Why did he bring her to the company to work knowing the history we all have with her?

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