12: The Old Me Is Gone

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Summer of 2015

"What do you think about this?"

"Hell no! I can't wear that. Are you insane?"

"Come on, you will look great. Just give it a chance."


"Wow, Soya. This is amazing. Will it really impress someone tonight?"

"Of course it will. I mean look at you. You're beautiful. Anyone would want to be with you. Let's go!"

That day, we decided that as girls who were attending college, that we could have some fun of our own and make the most of our youth. It was supposed to be a fun-filled night and pure bliss. Yet, it ended up being my worst nightmare and possibly the reason behind me feeling scared to go further with anyone.

I was a bit drunk but not to the point of intoxication. This guy came up to me and Soya went to the bathroom quickly. He began pulling me to go somewhere with him and I did not want to. Instead, he used his strength, carrying me bridal style all the way upstairs.

It was quite dark, but what made it worse was that others entered the room. I tried to fight back but I had no strength. I was being stripped down till I only had my under attire on. The more I screamed for it to stop, the more it occurred. The guy who originally brought me in, began hurting me. Slapping me and punching me to try knocking me out. I had not known when or how it happened, but suddenly everything stopped.

A worried Soya ran into the room and there was someone else next to her who must have seen what happened. Using a towel that she found, she wrapped me in it, and escorted me out the house. Thankfully, at the time, she already had her license and she drove me home. Neither of us mentioned that night, but our bond towards one another even grew stronger.

"Do you promise to always protect me? To tell me the truth no matter how bad things may seem?"

"Rose, of course. I know you would do the same for me."

Times have changed, yet I realised that I never really did. I thought I was strong enough against the tidal waves but I was only sinking more and more into the sand. Without realising it, I was only strong when things looked up.

. . .

I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling not bothering to open the curtains. I have been doing this for days now. I did not bother to show up to work either. I did not want to be bothered with questions or remarks about my relationship. That in itself, never existed to begin with because he was already taken.

"Rose, are you awake? Rose. At least eat."

"No, I'm not hungry."

"Come on. You need your energy."

"Energy to do what?"

"To keep going. Please, at least open the door. I'm sure you've not opened a single curtain in the last few days."

"Fine, come in," I replied, getting up to open the door.

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