2: Unexpected Friend

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I walked up the stairs of the café which was located a good distance from my house. It was late at night and I was surprised that I was able to get a taxi in order to get there. It was extremely quiet, yet there was still a decent enough number of people there, chatting away. Some still in working clothes, others wearing casual attire.

I walked in and no one seemed to pay me any mind. I gazed around hoping to catch a glimpse of her around, and found her on the terrace, looking up at the sky. It was already surprising enough that she asked for me, but what was more surprising was what she was wearing. I never took Miss Choi for someone who was capable of dressing so casually the way she did.

She had a green sweatshirt and pants on with her hair barely tied together in what looked like a scrunchy. No makeup on. I could not help but find such a thing amusing. I walked up to the table and sat down quietly. I then cleared my throat, to make my presence known.

"I see you have arrived. Wasn't expecting you to come at all. What are you wearing, your nightwear?" she asked, scanning my outfit with a disgusted look on her face. I was wearing a simple tee with baggy pants and a silk wrap on my head. I do not think my outfit was a nightwear compared to hers.

"I don't think you have room to talk seeing that you are wearing something more worthy of a nightwear than me," I replied, and she sighed, quietly agreeing with me. We remained silent for a few minutes, before she decided to speak up.

"I know this is all sudden and I feel very uncomfortable and quite awkward so I will just get cut to the chase. Lately, I've been pondering on quite a few things. I'm already close to my thirties and most would consider me a successful woman but in reality, I don't feel as successful since there is one thing I'm missing," she began, and I rolled my eyes at her. Is she really about to do this at 11pm in the night?

She then raised her hand, telling me to wait, as she continued, "I know what you might be thinking and you're right. It's him. I've loved Blake for a long time now. Longer than you and I feel it is quite unfair to me that after pouring out all my devotion to him, he decides to betray me and like someone like you. At first, I thought you were some poor girl he pitied and decided to give a job, but after doing some research-"

"Research?! You researched me?"

"Yes, I had to. I needed to know what I was up against. I didn't get too much on you and found it suspicious. I looked through your records and what not, but that is not the point. I realized that you were different. You were bold, kind and courageous and you seem to know how to make people around you love you. I lack that and can see why he likes you."

"Wow, that is honestly the sweetest thing you have said to me thus far. Are you by any chance dying?"


"Calm down, Cassandra. It is night time. It was just a question."

"Hey! Who gave you permission to call me that?"

"Myself of course. I'm curious now, what made you want to say all these things all of a sudden?"

"I'm deciding to allow you to have him. He disciplined me because I lashed out about him liking you. He has never done that to me before and it made me realize how in love he is with you. I will say this one thing, however. If you ever hurt him, I guarantee that I will snatch him right out of your hands. Understood?"

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