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sid and kaushal went home and were shocked to see so much media in front of their house....they have no idea why there is media...ofcourse from the time sid and sana marriage was announced, there was always little media around their house and office....but today....the scene is totally different....with utmost difficulty they enter the house.....bodyguards were all around the car to prevent media to come close.....

sid - why is there so much media?...

he asked the guard once they entered....he came out of his car asking it.....

guard - sir somebody spread the news that sana mam is missing...

sid & ka - what?....

both exclaimed in shock while anvi was also shocked.....

guard - yes sir and from that time they are here.....assuming things on their own.....we are unable to control them.....

sid - this is utter shit....and i swear if they say a wrong thing about her then that company will be like it never exists...

he said angrily and start walking towards house.....but some voices stop him.....

'sir is it true that your bride ran away from her own marriage?'

'sir did you both cancel the marriage?'

'sir were you having any problem in your relationship that you canceled your marriage?'

'sir is she like that runway bride who takes money from marriage, in short gold digger?...

the last one just make sid and kaushal to snap their head toward entrance, where all media was standing.....while anvi look at the person who spoke in horror, praying silently that he get out of here alive....sid and kaushal went toward gate and held two men collar through gate grills while they speak looking at everyone....

ka - we had enough of you all.....you media think that this all is a joke right?....

sid - and for your information...she did not run away anywhere.....she was kidnapped.....did you understand the meaning of being kidnapped?.....

ka - and you....

kaushal look at the man who spoke the last question and is the same whose collar he is holding.....

ka - why will she need to runway when she is equal owner of tondan industry along with me as well as of SiShKa along with me and sid.....

well that true.....but sana is aware of only being equal owner of sishka....kaushal's father knows that she will never accept to be owner of tandon industries so he did not told her and decided to wait for some years.....

sid - and i dare anyone of you to call her with any name.....i will personally make sure that your company will never been seen again in any form....and this is my open challenge on camera to all of you.....

saying both leave them with a jerk.....

ka - now listen....marriage will happen.....on the same date, same time...

sid - and with same person.....

sid add looking at camera like saying this to the kidnapper.....

ka - now get out of here all of you...before we lose our temper...guards....

kaushal called the guards.....

ka - i want this all mess clear in half an hour.....

sid - those who not listen to you....just tell us....we will take care of them...

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