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sid kaushal and sana enter her flat......all change into their nightwears and then go to kitchen.....sid and kaushal immediately start making dinner....

sa - any work for me...

she asks coming into the kitchen...

ka - no...you just sit and wait for dinner to be complete...

sa - i am fine.....you can give me work....

sid - no thanks....we can do it on our own.....

she just smile at them and sit on chair...staring at them....soon the dinner is served and they have it having fun and all....and then went to room to sleep.....

in the middle of night sana get up feeling thirsty....she look at both side, only to be trapped between her best friends...she carefully get up, try not to woke them up...and went to kitchen.....but sid sleep get disturb feeling moment near him...he saw sana leaving room....he wait for few minutes for her to return but when she did not return he also get up and went out of room, closing door behind him....he went and see her sitting on dining chair, keeping her head on table with eyes closed....he went and put his hand on her head....sana get startled and raise her head with jerk....

sid - shh....it me....its me...

sa - you scared me sidharth....

they said in slow voice considering kaushal is still sleeping inside...

sid - i am sorry.....

he said sitting on a chair beside her.....

sa - what are you doing here?...

she asks again laying her head on the table....facing sid.....

sid - i saw you leaving room...and when you did not come few minutes later...i came to check on you...what happened?...

he said and asked...putting his hand in her hair.......he push the hair back which come on her face, tucking it behind her ear and start caressing her head.....

sa - i was thirsty....but now i did not feel like sleeping anymore.....

sid - are you feeling any pain?...

sa - no...just restless...you go and sleep...i will come later after sometime...

sid - it's ok....i am fine...

sana did not say anything after...sid also kept quiet, just caressing her head with her eyes closed....but then after a few minutes...he asked what he wanted to ask for a few days now....

sid - are you still angry?...

sa - huh?....

she asks, opening her eyes and looking at him....

sid - are you still angry with me for that night?....

he asks slowly......sana knows which night he is talking and averted her eyes from him...

sa - i don't know....

she whispered....

sid - sana....i am sorry.....what do i do to make you believe that how guilty i am....

sa - you don't have to do anything.....i know you are sorry...but i...i just can't....you don't trust me...

she said at last in a low cracked voice...

sid - no no....i trust you more than anything in this world....and you know that....

sa - no you don't...if you had then you would at least listen to me....but you just start accusing me...

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