Chapter 14 ~ Trouble ~

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"Hey, Tails!" Sonic greeted, walking into the room with Silver behind him.

As per usual, the young scientist was in his workshop.

"H-hi Sonic!" The fox greeted, immediately closed his laptop, and looked back at Sonic. "And, hi Silver."

"Hello." He smiled.

"What brings you two here?" He asked, and went to fold the blanket that some Echidna left laying around.

"I just missed my little brother, am I not allowed to visit you?" Sonic pouted and sat down on Tails' office chair, then started to spin it around.

"Yes you are allowed, but at the same time no, because you always barge in." Tails narrowed his eyes at Sonic. "Have a seat on the sofa Silver." He offered. "Knuckles carried the sofa here and has been taking a nap here every now and then, ever since I put a security system on Angel Island." He said then kicked his brother off of his chair before he destroys it.

"It's already October?" Sonic pointed at the calendar. "The last time I checked the date it was Mid-September." He sat down on the sofa, Silver followed and sat beside him.

"October 3rd." Tails stated. "Maybe-" He was gonna say something again before his wristband started beeping. "Amy?"

"Tails, can you come to Green Hills?" She whispered. "Green Hill's been infested with robots, I see Eggman in his saucer, Cubot and Orbot are with him, there's a bunch of those robots that attack with light beams, I see no Mobians hurt as of now."

"We'll be there, Sonic and Silver are with me, I'll contact Knuckles, stay put Amy." He said nodding at the Hedgehogs on the sofa.

"I'll wait." She said then disconnected.

"Put your wrist band on Sonic." Tails gestured to a blue-rimmed wrist band on another table. "Contact Knuckles, I'll go start up the Tornado." He said then leaves the room.

Sonic huffed and put on the wristband, and called the said Echidna.


"Hi, Knuckie." Sonic teased.

"Stop that, is there something wrong?" He asked.

"Tell him to come right now, or I will not allow him to come over here anymore." Tails said, gesturing for them to follow him.

"That's unfair Tails." Knuckles complained through the communicator. "I'll be there."


"Meet us in Green Hills! Bye Knuckie!" Tails shouted.

Knuckles groaned. "Not you too!" He yelled before disconnecting.

"Ain't making fun of him quite fun?" He smiled, before getting on the Tornado, and plopped himself on the pilot's seat. "Come on you two, in."


"Amy isn't joking when she said it's infested, who in the world helped him build this many robots in just a short time? He last attacked like 4 days ago." Knuckles groaned.

"Quit complaining Knuckles." Tails jumped out and down from the Tornado. "I'm gonna go find Amy, you three stay here." He instructed, before propelling up in the air.

"Target acquired." They heard and saw a robot powered up and pointed to Tails' direction who seemed to be frozen in place.


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