Chapter 1 ~ What happened ~

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Eggman's evil laugh didn't last long as Sonic spin dashed his robot's leg, making it drop on its knees.

"I wouldn't celebrate this early if I were you Doctor." He winked at the doctor before climbing up to the robot's arm. "Nice view up here- Hey!"

The doctor smiled at the blue hedgehog as he injects a clear liquid into his Sonic's arm. They see Amy's hammer coming towards them making Sonic let go of what he was hanging on to, and fell before a red Echidna caught him, mid-air and jumped down.

Amy ran to them to retrieve her hammer. The hammer landed right on to the robot's glass dome breaking it before falling, making a minor earthquake.

"That was scary." Sonic whispered and looked up at his saviour.

"Hey, there?" Knuckles smiled at Sonic.

"Thanks for the catch Knux!" Sonic smiled back and jumped out of his arms.

"You okay?" The pink hedgehog asked worriedly.

The blue hedgehog nodded.

She ran back to what she was doing, as Sonic jumped on top of each of the robots, then finally jumped back up on the robot where Eggman is, pulling him up by the collar.

"If I find out what you injected to me, you're dead." He threatened, he let the man go, slamming him on his chair, Sonic then clicked on a red button making the robot walk backwards back to his lair, before jumping down running to save a child away from Amy's deadly mallet. "Amy, watch where you're swinging your mallet." He laughed.

"Oop- Sorry! Didn't see them there!" Amy shouted as Sonic zooms away, before she smashed one of the robots, finally destroying it. "Don't be late next time Knuckles!"

"Yeah, yeah, if I finally figure out how to operate Tails' new security system, because of a frigging bat trying to steal the emerald." He chuckled.

"Do I need to make you an instruction manual?" Tails raised a brow at Knuckles, landing the Tornado after destroying the rest of the robots.

"Maybe?" The Echidna nervously chuckled.


"Thank you Mr. Sonic." The kid, a hybrid of a cat and a wolf.

"Just doing my job, kid." Sonic smiled, patting her on the head. "Gotta go, be safe okay?" She nodded and Sonic runoff.

He then climbed up a building looking to see if the other's are done with the robots, he sees Tails landing the Tornado, and sighed.

"Just another day at Mobius..." His voice trailed off as his vision blurred and he fell off the edge.


"No." A black hedgehog with red stripes said sternly.

"Please hun, it's a one-time thing." A white bat crossed her arms, pouting at him as she hovered beside him.

"Your 'one-time thing' can turn to a second, then sometimes third, I don't trust you."

She looked up, as she heard a familiar voice before it faded.

"Oh my..." She looked at the hedgehog beside her. "Shadow, hold out your arms like this." Rouge explained as she holds out both her arms out in front of her. He furrowed his brows at her but followed.

Before Shadow could ask any questions, a body dropped into his arms.

"My... You caught your prince- DO NOT DROP HIM!" Rouge glared at him.

"For Chaos' sake. Where're his friends?"

"Sonic! What happened to him?" Tails flew towards them.

"I thought it was raining blue hedgehog's, were you fighting with that mad scientist again?" Rouge says.

The kit nodded his head.

"Tails! Did you find Sonic- Rouge the Bat." Knuckles expression changed from worried to annoyed.

"Hi Handsome, missed me?" Rouge batted her eyes at the Echidna.

"No, absolutely not." Knuckles looked at the black hedgehog behind her. "Why does he have Sonic and why is he unconscious?"

"I don't know how he fell from the sky, I just caught him." Shadow rolled his eyes at Knuckles.

"He's probably just tired." Amy appeared at the scene, she then eyed Shadow cautiously.

Shadow scoffed at her, then started walking away.

"Hey! Where are you taking him?" Amy shouted behind him.

"My house."

~ * ~ * ~

"That's what happened?" Blaze tilted her head.

"I don't believe you." Silver eyed Shadow as he takes a bite of the sandwich Blaze made.

"No one asked for your opinion."

Shadow remarked and stood up.

"Well, that's what they told me, I don't care if you don't believe me, go ask his friends then."

"It doesn't feel right though." The purple cat walked to Shadow.

"What doesn't feel right?" He stood there, as Blaze approached him not even fazed on how their face are now inches apart.

"You, being a good guy."

"Huh?" Shadow's face scrunched up.

"Nothing." She grinned, twirling her tail behind her, she turned Shadow around and pushed him out of the kitchen. "You need sleep, don't be an insomniac, it's not good for your health, especially since you're a GUN agent."


"Goodnight!" She waved.

Shadow walked up to his room, his bed being taken, he would rather not sleep at all than sleep on the floor.

He sits in front of his desk. Opening one of the cold cases that the commander gave him, he'll just do this, and he'll probably finish some of this until at least before the sun rises. He looks over at the blue hedgehog on his bed.

"He's probably having the best dreams of his life." He thought and chuckled to himself before looking back down to the folder.

Sleeping Beauty Syndrome (A 'Sonic the Hedgehog' AU)Where stories live. Discover now