Chapter 9 ~ Uncommon condition ~

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"Tails." Knuckles walked into Tails' lab, carrying a plate of spring rolls, and juice boxes.

"Hmmm?" He looked back at the older and frowned. "Just a little more time, please... I wanna do this Knuckles, he's the only one I got."

"Tails, I'm not telling you to stop." The Echidna walked to him. "Eat." He placed the plate beside the kit.

The fox looked up at Knuckles and sighed.

"Alright." He smiled.


"Good?" Knuckles asked, referring to the spring rolls, while he was eating one himself.

"Yeah, you made this?" Tails asked, the older nodded.

"Got some help from somebody that passes by the Island, usually plotting to steal the Master Emerald, though ended up teaching me to make these since I was in the middle of a conflict with my mind on what to make you for lunch." He rubbed the side of his face with his hand, hiding the blush on his muzzle.

"Aww, Knuckles, thank you." The younger smiled, stood up, and hugged the older, the Echidna would always tense up, when he feels the Fox touch him.

Knuckles knew self-control and his boundary. If he was gonna continue this and ended up pursuing Tails. He has to know to restrain himself. 

Tails may be mentally mature and a young genius, but he is physically still a child. 

The Echidna hugged him back.

"As long as he's okay with this." He thought.

"Hi Tails, and Knuckles? Could you have happened to see Cream and a brown cat with a wolf tail, pass by here?" Amy was at the door, she looked exhausted.

"No." Tails answered, pulling away from Knuckles.

"Ah, I saw them heading towards Shadow's house since Blaze is there." Knuckles responded.

"Thanks, Knux!" Amy smiled and ran off.

"If you were mentally a 9-year-old, she would be your sitter and would also be looking after you." The Echidna laughed and bopped the fox's nose.

"I'm not." He grumped and looked away from Knuckles.

"I was joking." The older frowned, attempting to get Tails to face him. 

The kit just huffed.

"Hey, I'm sorry." He said, then grabbed the fox, and embraced him.

The younger puffed his cheeks and hugged the Echidna back.

"You're lucky..."  Tails whispered.

"Because you adore me? I truly am." Knuckles chuckled.

The younger groaned.


"What does Sonic have again?" Knuckles asked as he lounged on a seat he had moved into the room.

"Kleine-Levin Syndrome is more known as the Sleeping Beauty Syndrome." Tails replied, glancing back to his computer.

"It's a real disorder?"

"Yes, it's a biological and neurological condition, and for the Love of God, Eggman naturally made it, so it might or might not have the same signs and effects to the body." He sighed. "So I have to list down the effects and the symptoms, then check on Sonic." The sound of the keyboard and mouse clicking filled the room. "You don't have to watch me 24/7 Knux, you can go back to your Island."

"Don't wanna." Was the Echidna's comeback.

"I appreciate the company then." Tails giggled, and let him be.

A few minutes later, the Echidna had fallen asleep, snoring softly.

Tails' ears perked up, and he looked behind him.

He smiled and walked to the Echidna.

"Sleep well." The fox whispered and cupped the older's cheek. 

An idea comes to his mind.

"It wouldn't do any harm, right?" He mischievously grinned, taking a marker out of his pocket, and undoing the cap.

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