Chapter fifty

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Clarke's Pov :

Today was the day I would ask Alice if she could come with me to the first match of Lexa which was this saturday, so in three days. My surgery schedule for next week, the other patient had agreed for a heart transplantation after a quick meeting last week when he saw the sad looks of my family. He was really kind and wanted to help someone one last time before joining his wife on the other side, a lot of tears were shared that day mostly by the man and I but Lexa, Raven and Octavia cried a lot too. Raven blamed it on the hormones but she was just really happy for me. She was actually 5 months pregnant and we could already see a baby bump. 

(A/N I don' know if the number of months are right but let's just go with it)

Lexa was at her practice so I decided to call Alice to ask her about the match and tell Lexa later if I could go or not. I decided to phone her since pushing the alarm button was only for emergencies and this was not one, she still had other patients in the clinic needing more help than me in the moment. She answered and told me she wasn't busy at the moment so I just asked her to come to my room to ask her something. Two minutes later she turned up at my door knocking before coming in.

Alice : Well hello sleeping beauty. Where is your prince in shining armor and how are you today ?

She had started calling me like since because everytime she would come to this room to make some tests I would been asleep in Lexa's arm.

Clarke : I don't like this nickname, but Lexa is at her practice, and I'm good thank. How are you, not to busy as I can see ?

Alice : I'm good, not too many patients. She is training more because of the match saturday isn't she ?

Clarke : Yep, they are going to play against Portland.

Alice : Harper said they were really good, but anyway what did you want to ask me ?

Clarke : I actually wanted to ask you if I could go to the match...

Alice : Are you crazy !!?

Clarke : Come on I promise her I would go see her first match, plus you would be there in case something happen. And it's just for one night, after this I'm not even sure that I going to be able to ever see one of her match.

Alice : Clarke this is really dangerous. And you get your transplant next week.

Clarke : And I might die on that operation table next week too. Please just this one, I will be back in this bed before the morning. Come onnnn...

Alice : Alright...

Clarke : Thank you so much !!

Alice : But I will be by your side the all way and you are going there in a wheelchair, you body is too weak and you need a proper seat were nobody is pushing you around or something like that. We are going to be front row so a lot of press will attend this first match and Lexa is the star and a lot of people know who you are so questions will be asked to both of you. A lot of celebrities will be there. So double stress for you.

Clarke : Then I will answer the questions and make sure to be by yours or Lexa's side.

Alice : If something happen to you I gonna kill you, you know that ?

Clarke : You love me too much to kill me doc.

Alice : You're right, now let's do the daily tests before the wife get here.

After doing the tests I rest for a little bit feeling really tired, next thing I know is Lexa waking me up with kisses on my face and neck. I opened my eyes and meet her beautiful green eyes.

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