Chapter forty-nine

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Clarke's Pov :

After arguing a lot with everyone about the fact that I was actually fine, and they could go back at their houses without worrying about my state but nothing seemed to make them go away and let me sleep and have a good day with my wife by my side. So when I decided that all of this was enough I decided to shoot at them so they could stop yelling at each other which was giving me a huge headache at that moment.

Clarke : Okay that's enough !!! Everybody just shut the hell up !! You are all giving me a headache and I went to spend some quality time with my wife without you all here yelling over something only I know. I am fine apart from the heart attack I had earlier.

They were a bit shocked I had yelled at them but as soon as said that they started arguing again about some stupid stuff again.

Abby : And that's what I'm trying to tell them for over a hour Clarke !!

Raven : But she could make another attack and we wouldn't be here by her side and help her.

Alice : She is in a hospital Raven, she will be fine if something happen to her here.

Madi : You mean like when she was dead for a whole minute ??

They just couldn't stop yelling and it was starting to piss me off honestly. Lexa must have sensed it because she kissed my forehead before getting up from the bed where she was cuddling with me since she came in the room and she went toward everyone.

Lexa : Okay everybody out !!

Octavia : But-

Lexa : I swear if you are not out in the next minute I'm calling security and getting your names out of the visitor list for Clarke !!

Raven : You wouldn't do this !! You can't even do this Lex !

Alice : She can actually...

Raven : But she's not going to do this is she ?

Clarke : She would but I would too if all of you are not out of here in the ten seconds.

Madi : Oh fuck you Clarke we are just worried about you and you just want to kick us out of this room for caring about you !!

That was the limit of my patience, I got up and pulled all the tube attached to my body and weakly went over the phone of the room that was next to the couch where everybody was. I pulled it and called the security of the hospital to tell them to come get the people out of this room and to not let anyone in here unless I authorize it or Lexa does. Everyone was looking at me thinking I wouldn't do it, but I did so screw them for now. After a minutes three security guards were here and they got everybody out, I had to sit down on the couch because I couldn't stand for long, all of this was fucked up and I just kicked my family out. But damn they were way to much for now. Lexa was laughing her ass off beside me about the face of my family when they got kicked out.

Lexa : I didn't know I could fall more in love with you honestly but damn that was a badass move.

Clarke : Well they were annoying. And I love you more everyday too. I have learned to love things before it's too late, and I know I have you forever, but this forever might be soon so...

Lexa : Don't do this to yourself, mom said you might have a chance with the donor.

Clarke : She also said it was 50/50 chance of failing.

Lexa : Abby didn't tell you about the chances how do you know it ?

Clarke : I did my research... 

Lexa : Well don't trust these things because you will be in a OR with the best surgeons in the world and one of them being your mom my love so you don't have to worry about his.

Clarke : Do you worry about the procedure.

Lexa : Every minutes since you mom told me about having a matching donor with you. Now come on have you eaten anything since this morning ?

Clarke : I'm not really hungry Angel, but I promise I will eat something tomorrow morning when I wake up, have you eaten something love ?

Lexa : Yeah I went with the girls at the restaurant it was really good, Harper asked about you and some of the others did too. We talked about our wedding and honeymoon. Then we talked about the other team we will be playing against during all the season and random things.

Clarke : Good, you need to keep a live even if I'm here, so you are going to go to every training from now. You finally have your dream job and you signed a contract with them, you must go there.

Lexa : But I don't want to leave you side...

Clarke : I don't want you to leave but you and I both know you need to keep your mind sane, and coming here after skipping training will not keep you sain at all.

After our talk Lexa decided to go to every training but she would stay with me the rest of the time. Our family had tried to call, but neither of us decided to respond to them, we let Alice know to not let them in and we told her thank you for everything she was doing for us. After going back to other patients, Lexa and I decided to go take a walk next to the lake we could see from my room, Lexa had insisted for a nurse to come with us in case something happened to me while we were there. So ten minutes later Lexa, Natalie and I were outside on the sand with our feets in the water looking at the beautiful landscape in front if us. When the night came my energy was drained so Lexa and I decided to lay on the bed looking at the stars thanks to all the window in the room. We continued to talk for some hours, and laughing at the silly jokes she would say to me. We fell asleep pretty quickly from exhaustion.

The next morning I woke up by the smell of delicious pancakes, I ate them with Lexa before she had to go to her practice, which gave me the opportunity to paint a little, my wife had brought me some of my supplies from home when she went there yesterday. I also had an interesting call with Mr. Wallace over the phone, which consisted in him worrying about me and telling me he would pass by to see me and take my work with him at the same time. When the time came Lexa was back in bed with me giving me kisses and telling me she had missed me all day, she even brought me some Big Mac and my computer from home. Alice came check on me three time by the time I went to sleep and she checked if everything was good, and did the radio tests, that came good, considering my state and my heart state.

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